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  1. greymouser7

    A833 O/D Cover/Access-plate installation

    When we are installing the cover plate onto the transmission (final assembly) how do we know that we have aligned the back shift fork {correctly}into the spring scizzor retainers? ( The two scissor like, spring loaded see-saw plate/bar pieces of metal which hold pressure against the back shift...
  2. greymouser7

    how to align?

    If I buy a 360 and want to attach an external balanced car flywheel, how do I figure out the correct attachment/mounting configuration (I guess out six choices?) ? thank you!
  3. greymouser7

    External balance 360 flywheels

    Anybody got them?
  4. greymouser7

    Can you install a shorter A body 833 into a 71-74 B-Body?

    Or will the brace (that the torsion bar mounts to) sit too far back on the short shaft?
  5. greymouser7

    Quick question trans linkage between power train options in Mopar vehicles

    I 'm gonna try and cheat & ask instead of research first: Are the linkage rods different lengths BETWEEN A833 four speeds (or three speeds apples to apples), in an engine conversion, any Big-small block-/6 - setup, within the same model car? (separate cases between...