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  1. zkx14

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    On a good note... My new grass is finally growing. Not as good as the weeds though. Whatever, as long as it turns green.
  2. N

    Super Victor port matching

    That intake is easy fixed. Don’t scrap it. BTW, you work us better than 85% of the stuff I see. Very nice work.
  3. 63Tigerlily

    4 Headlights or 2 Headlights; opinions needed.

    this response, tho! Oh we all grasped it, Fudd. We either disagree or flat don’t care.
  4. Syleng1

    Local 80 year old racer

    Unless it’s got knees, shoulders or hips.
  5. 273

    340 or 408?

    Plus when normal driving your only making the hp needed at that moment so at 2500 rpm one engine makes 400 tq vs 325 tq at full throttle so maximum tq available at that rpm , but you might only using/making 50 hp which is only 105 tq, but you have 190hp/400tq or 155hp/325tq in reserves, more...
  6. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    What brakes are on the front of your dart?
  7. 1973dust

    Curious front end issue. Ideas wanted

    I don't know if this will help you or not but when I aligned my Duster, I set both front tires on a pair of thin teflon cooking sheets from the dollar store with grease between them. They seemed to work great to let the tires go where they wanted when adjusting. I got the idea from someone on...
  8. 273

    340 or 408?

    The problem is many things are being vaguely debated and interchangeably. 1. Can a 408 & a 340 make the same power curve basically stall to shift, I believe the answer is yes. 2. Is it gonna be some huge extra effort to do so, I believe generally no. 3. What about the extra torque of the 408...
  9. rmchrgr

    Super Victor port matching

    Thanks all. To be honest, I learned what not to do previously by destroying a perfectly good Victor 340. I tried to do too much to it and it got away from me pretty quick. That one is not savable, trust me. (see below) The Victor is a good intake but it's too short for my particular application...
  10. G

    Local 80 year old racer

    80 is the new 50!
  11. RustyRatRod

    Valve seals tore on break in

    Used to be you didn't see seals at ALL on exhaust valves. Look at the early Hemis. The top of the exhaust valve points DOWN. Oil doesn't run uphill. lol
  12. Unconventional

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    If ya git there early enuff :lol: I have seen the trophy girls dressed rather scantily in the past :lol:
  13. barbee6043

    1968 dart 1 piece carpet

    I guess I never gave it any thought all these years. But it makes sense Mother Mopar having a one piece and also ACC having 2 piece and shorter box for shipping.
  14. N

    (2)450 DP's vs (2)750 DP's

    Hmmmm. I need to think a bit. And that’s hard.

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    What, no bikinis?
  16. MomsDuster

    (2)450 DP's vs (2)750 DP's

    Center hung
  17. barbee6043

    Winter will soon return :(

    You all are moving snow and we are still mowing grass!!!n Texas...Its what for dinner?? :poke:
  18. 68gtxman

    YouTube videos

    You click on “share” while you are in YouTube and then copy link. Then in FABO, paste the link you copied. Simple as pie.
  19. N

    (2)450 DP's vs (2)750 DP's

    Do your carbs have center hung floats or side hung floats. Pretty sure you posted pictures of your carb but I forgot.
  20. Unconventional

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Mornin' Tim. Weather Service says you get to miss our heat wave this week. :thumbsup:
  21. Unconventional

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good Open Wheel show at the beach tonite, beach being Ventura Raceway. Ventura is literally at the beach. Speedway, parking lot, road to the neighboring State Beach, sand, waves, surfers, and Channel Islands :lol: In that order :lol:
  22. pittsburghracer

    Valve seals tore on break in

    I’m excitedly curious to find my smoking issue when I tear these heads off this winter. They were used damaged Edelbrock I bought for 350.00, repaired them, and ported them. They have been on 4-5 engines since 2008 and although it ran 6.00 last time out has been smoking all year. This engine if...
  23. W

    Photos of V8 power steering hose setup?

    I might be overthinking it, that's a possibility. I just wanted to get the correct one without a lot of running back and forth. I live basically in the middle of nowhere and it's easily an hour to the closest retail parts store.
  24. Scody21

    Intermittent slow crank when coil wire is plugged in to the dist

    With the nylon bushing in the Z bar… :poke:
  25. Mopar Tim

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Morning hoppy...
  26. randys4406

    [FOR SALE] Misc. Parts

  27. Mopar Tim

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good am all...