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  1. j061093409

    Door hinge restoration by don’t want to join febo

    dont want to sign up for FEBO Someone posted the link but it will not get me the contact info
  2. j061093409

    1971 Dart swinger FENDERS - Late production

    was there a January 1, 1971 law that fenders had to have crumple zones? My early fenders have nothing on the inside edge where the hood meets the fender between the rubber bumpers. this photo is from a 1972 Demon and you can see the upside down triangles near the fender mounting bolts. I am...
  3. j061093409

    1972 Dart fender PENTASTAR yes or no?

    Need to find more info as more and more 1972 Darts have no Pentastar holes. requesting people send the following for me to start a database to verify this. I would need the fender tag info (for build date proof), photo of fender where emblem would be and the die number up on the rail ( covered...