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  1. Sterling

    Best place to buy BB TTi Headers?

    I just ordered a set from Rob’s Rod Shop in Downingtown, Pa. He is a TTI dealer, took about a month. I picked them up at his location, but I think that he has dropped shipped some before.
  2. V

    42RH/A500 questions - 4WD vs 2WD

    Not really. As long as you don't mix RH/RE swapping tailshafts is easy.
  3. discharger1332

    Did I get scammed? Do you know this person?

    I saw a add yesterday on marketplace and bought some parts. unfortunately I got a strange message today If you know anything about Sam Steele please send me a message
  4. Sterling

    Steps in compression test?

    If it has a carburetor, should not have to block the fuel flow. The needle and seat and float should stop the fuel. If it is fuel injected, I would stop the fuel flow and injector pulse.
  5. Kendog 170

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I think some do. They are called garage refrigerator if I'm not mistaken. They can take the cold.
  6. AAR 64Valiant

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I'm converting the Valiant from a 4 to 6 spd. Only cost me $200.00 and will take 5 minutes labor. I'll post a picture when the parts show up.
  7. Petty Betty

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning
  8. AAR 64Valiant

    Lots of visitors/guests looking in on FABO

    If you click on the members online header, you can see who and what is watching individual threads Robot: Google Viewing thread How to do you read the alternator gauge? A moment ago Robot: Bing Viewing latest content A moment ago
  9. Dave999

    16:1 worm gear reassembly question

    I made use of what i had at the time hammer and old sector into cast iron worked ok.... but as you say better ways of doing it took about a year of collecting photos of parts, using the scale of the known dimensions of those parts and measuring the photos, applying a scale ratio to work...
  10. niceolddart

    Rock Auto discount code

    Good untill April 11th 295970322247756036
  11. AAR 64Valiant

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    How D
  12. abodyjoe

    TTi required with QA1 ??

    i can't speak for a QA1 set up but on a car equipped with an alter-k tti fit great.. with the coil over set up there is much less stuff to have to clear so theres no issue there.. QA1 set up i don't know but would like to think its the same in the fact that theres just less stuff to clear.
  13. 69_340_GTS

    funny pictures

  14. jw97neon

    1965 hemi dart

    Couple more items then I send it off to get the turbo kit made. I can not wait.
  15. abodyjoe

    Will I regret change to 3.55s from 2.76s

    here ya go... this is the approximate rpm you'll be turning with a 27" tire... 2.76 Gear: 87.3 MPH @ 3000rpm 2.94 Gear: 82 MPH @ 3000rpm 3.23 Gear: 74.6 MPH @ 3000rpm 3.55 gear: 67.9 MPH @3000rpm like i said only you can decide.. for me and how i drive and enjoy the car i will not go...
  16. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning............
  17. peedee

    I have an issue with trans to flex plate

    Yes I can until I start tightening the converter bolts to flex plate it is just that last 3/8 of an inch
  18. LO23M8B

    GM related suspension question.

    Tighten all the bolts and take it for an alignment.
  19. RustyRatRod

    GM related suspension question.

    Absolutely it will. You're going to need some way to adjust the camber and toe before you can drive it though.
  20. LO23M8B

    GM related suspension question.

    Had one of those. Great car except you couldn't fill it up in less than a half hour. O and don't try to open the inside manual door locks while someone else hits the power button. Cut my hands up to crap changing those actuator's. Sold it for those 2 reasons but was a fantastic highway car.
  21. C

    GM related suspension question.

    I hope it’s that easy! Would the camber change knock the steering that much out of alignment? Right now I have to hold the steering wheel straight to drive straight after making a left turn, but after making a right turn, when things shift, I have to hold the steering wheel a quarter of a turn...
  22. LO23M8B

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Ug. Good morning,
  23. RustyRatRod

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Mornin yall.
  24. 71GSSDemon

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning everyone. Got some work done on the Charger. Brake master cylinders are converted to remote resiviors, mount is made, painted ans welded in. Parts will be here today for the truck. Have to get that fixed after work. @jaws May be perfect timing for you. Best of luck