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  1. dodge71demon


    This will be real close to us and we will be checking it out The Great Race » 2017 Route
  2. dodge71demon

    Barn find auction

    Public Auction Sale: BARN FIND AUCTION: CARS, TRUCKS, ANTIQUES, GUNS - Elkhart, IN
  3. dodge71demon

    Mopars at the Red Barns

    July 25th Mopars at the Red Barns August 1st Spectacular Show These are a MUST do GREAT facialty
  4. dodge71demon

    On the road again

    Best time of the year in my area - Auburn Cord Duesnberg festival - Indy winter nationals - Norwalk monstermopars - Ducktail run (James Dean festival) all great events
  5. dodge71demon

    2014 Hot Rod Powertour

    Does anybody know how you can find out the planned route for the Power Tour. It can possibly be real close to me this year depending on the route taken. Norwalk Oh to Crown Point In ( WHAT ROADS and/or HIGHWAYS)
  6. dodge71demon

    Ducktail Run

    We went to the Ducktail Run in Gas City Indiana and all I can say is WOW
  7. dodge71demon

    Monster Mopar Tony Fields Poll

    Since Tony Fields has so generously offered his place as a meeting place for FABO members going to Monster Mopars in Indy I decided to have a poll to maybe help out.He is south of Indy in Columbus Indiana off Hwy 65 This poll is for mopar people attending Monster Mopars and want to get...
  8. dodge71demon

    Mopars at the red barns

    23rd Annual "Mopars at the Red Barns on Saturday july 23 2011 at the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners Mi just north of Kalamazoo Mi.Outstanding facility and event check it out at.
  9. dodge71demon

    July 23 rd Red Barns

    Received a flier yesterday about Mopars at the Red Barns Gilmore Museum Hickory Corners Michigan July 23 rd web great facility and show