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  1. abdywgn

    funny pictures

    they're killer rabbits!
  2. AAR 64Valiant

    [FOR SALE] $5 and $10 Parts Sale

    I'll take #5 if still available
  3. diymirage

    funny pictures

  4. Hyper_pak

    [FOR SALE] $5 and $10 Parts Sale

    Sorry don't need #5
  5. azaustin

    [WANTED] Bucket seat retarder spring for 1965 Dart

    I didn’t know what they were. They aren’t easy to see, and the plastic boot holds them in until they are upside down. I had to pry the broken ones from my coupe out. I was looking for some other information and found them by accident in the FSM. It’s one of those things that you wouldn’t know...
  6. abdywgn

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    what a way to fast. learned that the monks that fasted for 40 days did not drink was beer! more nutritious! also why at the time they were such good brewers.
  7. diymirage

    funny pictures

  8. S

    73 Scamp 340 727 tranny

    I have a mildly built 340 in my 73 Scamp with 355 gears. Im looking to put an A-999 transmission to make the car more highway friendly. I know the A-999 is a direct bolt up for a 318 or 360, what about a 340? Also, are there any modifications required for the transmission to fit under the car?
  9. Hyper_pak

    [FOR SALE] $5 and $10 Parts Sale

    Don I want 5, 11 and 12. I will send you a PM.
  10. N

    Roller cam and lifters question

    There are only two part numbers there I’d consider using.
  11. N

    Herb McCandless & Steve Magnante Video

    Steve had a bunch of videos from that deal. I love watching Steve break stuff down.
  12. N

    skewing the dyno??

    No load but at least the cam is in and it has no oil leaks of course if you use Line2Line coatings like I do I’d skip the run in stand. To bed the pistons in with that coating on them takes load. It’s nicer if you don’t have to break in the cam while doing the pistons but I break in the cam...
  13. Dne007

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    here's some better pics~ it's so cool :thumbsup: With the right decals, should be REALLY COOL :lol:
  14. varlo


    rear is all together. Figured out my brake situation. I bought bbp axles but they were sbp originally so the measurement on the flanges is different. After I put everything together I came to discover this. Luckily my brother had a 340 duster he upgraded to 4 wheel discs so the correct backing...
  15. Elmer-FN-Fudd

    64 dodge dart what to do!

    well one thing I might do is use this car to practice on for what little work I need to do on my Duster.
  16. Elmer-FN-Fudd

    64 dodge dart what to do!

    I'm in St Pete
  17. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Looks great
  18. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    thanks. Pain wise, I’m totally fine. Just the eating and drinking that sucks.
  19. Professor Fate

    '68 Barracuda Power Steering Gear Box Problems

    If your new box is an example of how they rebuild steering boxes, there's no way I'd let them anywhere near my original box. Return the bad one and get a refund. Send the original to Steer and Gear or Firm Feel for a rebuild. They can tailor the feel to exactly what you want. PRICE LISTS &...
  20. Elmer-FN-Fudd

    64 dodge dart what to do!

    I'll be tearing into it this weekend to see how far the rust goes, my guess its going to be a parts car, we shall see.
  21. RustyRatRod

    '74 Gold Duster

    Glad to see you getting after it Kegan!
  22. toolmanmike

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Hot and sour soup, beef and vegetables, and chicken fried rice.
  23. Frodee

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Hope you start to get back to normal soon Chris.
  24. MDchanic

    The barnfind 1965 Valiant resurrection thread.

    I hate to tell you, as a European accustomed to aluminum heads, but there are no separate valve guides. They're just bored through the cast iron. Whether to have the valve guide bores drilled out and replacement valve guides installed would depend of how the original bores measured out. – Eric
  25. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Psh eat a dang steak for me at least haha
  26. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    108/72. That’s what my blood pressure was at the hospital. They think it was either me choking out on water or the combination of barely being hydrated cause I struggle to keep it down or lack of food may have caused it. I’ve barely been able to eat since Tuesday
  27. Scody21

    skewing the dyno??

    Yeah, but where’s the load on the run stands?
  28. Scody21

    skewing the dyno??

    That’s cheep. When I used dude in Portland it was 1,000 plus gas and he didn’t do ****. That was 2019… I have to buy / make an adapter for my brothers dyno to run my junk.
  29. WarHammer

    [WANTED] A Body Smalls

    Inbox empty now.
  30. jaws

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    On BAT IN 2022 no sale. Has the cable trans just with the floor shifter.