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  1. dartnabout

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I know I have...and she wasn't that pretty
  2. RustyRatRod

    Intake manifold options for a Magnum 5.9/360

    I used one on my Frankenteen build years ago. Magnum heads on an LA 318 short block. I never got to fire that engine, unfortunately, as I had to end up selling it, but the intake fit very well. Some do and some don't so it's something you have to play by ear. Same as the Edelbrocks now though.
  3. Oldmanmopar

    sand blasting

    Use crushed glass it is not as abrasive to the metal. I keep using it over and over . Get a large rubber truck tarp. When the blaster is out fold in the tarp and shovel it into a bucket through a window screen. Saves on the cost. Sand a is for steel beams or heavy rusted truck frames...
  4. Junior340


    Looks like we do similar work.
  5. toolmanmike

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    :rofl: I don't want to get in trouble for something that it's my job to correct. It is real easy to chat about anything here . It's a frickin' coffee shop. :rofl: We can probably get by chatting about current events but if the President, Govt, or the like get's mentioned, it's time to back up...
  6. Sublime one

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Pssshaa that ain’t nuthin for a man of your appetite! I got a dollar says every one of us has driven farther than that to see a pretty girl! I see some road trips in your future!
  7. BSB67

    How much improvement will I see?

    I agree that the drag radial tire, 4.30 gear and 2.08 sixty ft. does not make a lot of sense to me. Even with a stock/tight converter. To the OP, how much track time have you had with the car? My gut tells me that as it sits, even with the stock converter, it should run a 1.9 sec. sixty ft...
  8. dartnabout

    Stop in for a cup of coffee


    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    128 Km or bout 80 miles. 2 hrs by car...
  10. Muswagon

    Lightweight flywheel options and selection criteria.

    Synthetic trans fluid in an A833, aluminum flywheel in ALL applications, man Newbomb is just so progressive, its hard to argue against ;)

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    You’re not my dad, LOL
  12. ProjectBazza

    Saw this today on Fake book- camshafts

    I had a '63 Falcon Sprint with a 289 that allegedly came with a "3/4 race cam". Didn't know what that meant at the time (still don't, in fact), but that sucker could scream!

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    The Bank is gonna foreclose on that house Tike. Her family wont tell me much about anything....No Worries...
  14. ProjectBazza

    12 Dad jokes

    Keep 'em coming! :thumbsup:
  15. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    How far is Saigon from there?

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Ha, She pawned the Mercedes to the Bank two years ago. They sold it cause it was devaluing ...KKKK... What a Nutcase.... I met Lynda from Saigon after I committed to this place, but I have been up there twice, and she has been down here twice already... :thumbsup:
  17. toolmanmike

    Stop in for a drink.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I shouldn't laugh. It's good stuff. No nasty stuff to give you a big hang over. Well, not me any way. I must be conditioned. :thumbsup:
  18. Oldmanmopar


    When it comes to labor rates. 360 rod verses a big Cat . Piston pin is larger then the 360 rod journal
  19. RustyRatRod

    How to set breaker points?

    Unfortunately, I agree. That's why I tell these guys constantly to hawk ebay.....and you for old NOS made in USA stuff. I do it for engine parts all the time.
  20. Sublime one

    Stop in for a drink.

    Our son got a very similar lesson over the holidays with a mason jar!
  21. RustyRatRod

    INDY 'modman' 2x4 intake. How much would you spend if...

    Very cool. Thanks for this! I hope they listen. I think it was @PROSTOCKTOM that was JUST asking about such a piece for the standard port heads.
  22. toolmanmike

    Stop in for a drink.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Hard to regulate what goes in without measuring . Been there, done that
  23. Sublime one

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Well I woke up to a carpet of snow, dogs are loving it! Once sun comes up I will get a pix!
  24. RustyRatRod

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Yeah.....all them "feminists" about that time all sounded similar and sung about similar stuff.
  25. Sublime one

    Stop in for a drink.

    I had a wine night here awhile back, in my zeal of trying to be efficient (translated lazy) I chose not to use a glass while I was cooking and sipping the wine. Turned out to be a poor choice!
  26. ValiantS

    INDY 'modman' 2x4 intake. How much would you spend if...

    I'm just a guy that has their ear on this currently. I did this as a 'fun' concept on a motor I did for a NSS car. This was and still is being used on a 486CID low deck engine. I did so much rework on this I branded it the "SEANMAN".
  27. RustyRatRod

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I love some good cucumbers.....I cannot stand the peeling. It's like plastic.
  28. halifaxhops

    How to set breaker points?

    Depends, Shorted it is dead, open can pit the points and change the dwell drastically. Run from the new stuff for sure.
  29. dartnabout

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    If she is in America why couldn't you stay in your house there Mitch? Do you get along with her family?
  30. Sublime one

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I stand corrected, thanks Rusty! I get those two mixed up all the time!