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  1. JoesEdge

    Talk me into or out of Holley Terminator X

    On small block or big block? If it was a small block, did you have issues with the windshield washer motor and distributor?
  2. JoesEdge

    Malwood underdash hydraulic kit for A-Bodies

    @mosleyme Thank you!! That helps a ton.
  3. JoesEdge

    273 Commando Southern California / Los Angeles Area Machine Shop / Engine Builders

    @Bossanova5 I have never used them myself for engine building, but I have heard good things about L&R Engines. Here's their website: L & R Engines The only work they've done for me was resurface a flywheel. This one guy that has a white 'Cuda with a Hemi that is usually in the local shows...
  4. JoesEdge

    Malwood underdash hydraulic kit for A-Bodies

    @mosleyme Since you have that pedal support out, can you help me with the dimensions of that piece of angle steel? I'm looking for the thickness of the steel, and the whether it's 1/2", 3/4" or 1" angle steel. I need to weld in that piece to strengthen my pedal support. Thank you very much!
  5. JoesEdge

    Malwood underdash hydraulic kit for A-Bodies

    I ordered mine and received the hydraulic pedal assembly. Looks pretty good. The reservoir is quite nice. I wish it came in black anodized though so that it won't stand out so much in the engine bay. I took out the pedal support out so I can paint and rebuild it. I also ordered a brake...
  6. JoesEdge

    Malwood underdash hydraulic kit for A-Bodies

    Oh nice! I didn't even realize that they (Malwood) carried a bearing. I might as well get everything from them. Thanks! @Muswagon I have a couple more questions since you already have it installed. When you push the pedal, does the pedal go all the way to the floor? I mean... where does...
  7. JoesEdge

    Malwood underdash hydraulic kit for A-Bodies

    I have been following this thread and I'm convinced that this is the route I'd like to take in my '74 Duster "re-rebuild". This is the second time I rebuild the car. I'm about to pull the trigger on calling American Powertrain for their kit. They don't have a kit specifically with the Malwood...
  8. JoesEdge

    Installing an American Autowire Classic update wiring harness

    I just recently purchased this kit and read in the instructions that I can't use my 3 wire Toyota alternator that charges superbly at idle, even thought it's probably only 60 amps or so. In the instructions say to use a 1 wire self-regulated alternator. Anyone have a a recommendation on a good...
  9. JoesEdge

    Clutch Master Cylinder Mounting

    @68 A Have any more of these?
  10. JoesEdge

    Diff Housing Narrowing In SoCal

    @clin10 Here's another one for you. They are in Huntington Beach, CA. J & S Gear Co – We Build The Best Gears. I haven't used them personally, but when I do rebuild my 8 3/4 and add a Sure-Grip or something I plan on taking it to them. I have read good things about them.
  11. JoesEdge

    Diff Housing Narrowing In SoCal

    I live in Downey, so Cooks isn't too far from me. I had them reweld the spring perches on my 8 3/4 rear end a few years back. Quick and affordable.
  12. JoesEdge

    Pro Flo 4 Timing

    Are you running a Magnum serpentine setup? Just curious.
  13. JoesEdge

    Junkyard Magnum Motor Finds

    Awww... that's terrible news! And they really nickel and dime you at LKQs too. Core charge, on a used part? Seriously??? :(
  14. JoesEdge

    Junkyard Magnum Motor Finds

    I miss the days of the 40% discount at LKQ. I haven't seen that since pre-COVID. The LKQ in Ontario usually has a good inventory of old Mopars. I pulled a 440 out of a motorhome there. I pulled a 400 out of a land yacht in the Wilmington LKQ.
  15. JoesEdge

    Junkyard Magnum Motor Finds

    @pishta Is the warranty mandatory now, or you threw that in just in case the block is bad?
  16. JoesEdge

    Junkyard Magnum Motor Finds

    If you settle for a 5.2 Magnum. I have one I could sell you. Otherwise, LKQ is your best bet for a 5.9 Magnum. You can easily locate one because the LKQ yards are full of old Dodge RAM 1500, 2500, and 3500's. They even post the VIN number so you can use a decoder to see what engine it had.
  17. JoesEdge


    For the 6 speed swap. I updated my post to mention that. I agree it was confusing. I figured if I am going to cut the torsion bar support, I might as well go 6 speed. I know it's more expensive than a TKX. I'm not sure how much of a savings there would be with a TKX. By the way, I have a...
  18. JoesEdge


    That is really nice metal work! I wish I had that kind of talent!
  19. JoesEdge


    Interesting! So, instead of brace going OVER the transmission (like the factory did) the Holley torsion bar cross member braces from underneath. I just don't like that it is bolt in, but I guess that aids in getting the transmission in and out of position. I was just quoted about $7,000.00...
  20. JoesEdge

    Pro Flo 4 Timing

    Brian built my motor too. It's been running good for the pat 6 years. I do plan to give it a refresh though before I go EFI. Just to make sure it's still healthy. @BergmanAutoCraft did you see on the Edelbrock forums how Edelbrock shutdown the threads regarding the distributor phasing...
  21. JoesEdge


    I've been considering this swap and just getting everything from Silver Sport Transmissions. Just not sure if they still use the ToddRon crossmember brace or if they built something different. The only thing that makes me hesitate is that I'm not good with sheet metal fabrication.
  22. JoesEdge

    Kicking around the idea of a Roller Cam Swap...

    Yeah, I called IMM Engines the other day and talked to Fred and he confirmed that it's tough finding hydraulic roller cams.
  23. JoesEdge

    Kicking around the idea of a Roller Cam Swap...

    Well, interesting that you mentioned that. I do have a Magnum block sitting in the garage. That would be roller done right since it came from the factory that way.
  24. JoesEdge

    Kicking around the idea of a Roller Cam Swap...

    Hey all! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I was recently kicking around the idea of swapping out my flat tapper hydraulic cam for a hydraulic roller cam. Currently, I have the the Comp Cams XE268H cam in my LA 360 with 9.6:1 compression, Magnum EQ heads with 1.6:1 Comp Cams roller...
  25. JoesEdge


    Weld it up! I welded and powder coated mine. I tried to find the best pics I could. Yes, do weld up the steering box mount. That area flexes quite a bit.
  26. JoesEdge

    Magnum dyno videos

    Who built this engine? IMM Eninges? The power was similar to my engine built by IMM Engines. Mine is an LA block with EQ Magnum heads though and a XE268H cam.
  27. JoesEdge

    Serpentine set up question

    In case anyone needs it, I have a spare No-A/C Magnum Alternator bracket. You can go here for more info: [FOR SALE] - Magnum Alternator Bracket (No A/C) with Bolts
  28. JoesEdge

    [FOR SALE] Magnum Alternator Bracket (No A/C) with Bolts

    Hey Mopar people!! I have an extra Magnum Non-A/C Alternator Bracket. These are almost impossible to find. It's great for you guys that are swapping in Magnums into your A-Body or want to use the Magnum serpentine belt system and DO NOT have Air Conditioning. PRICE: $65.00 shipped via USPS...
  29. JoesEdge

    Pro Flo 4 Timing

    Seems like Edelbrock has spoken. The title of their post isn't specific on either Big Block or Smallblock, but the pictures are definitely a Big Block. Check out what they have to say: ProFlo Mopar Distributor Rotor Phasing - Edelbrock Community Forum