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  1. dustertogo

    Ram towing mileage

    So I bought a 6x12 single axle enclosed cargo trailer for general use, and sometimes going to swap meets. I have a 2008 Ram 1500, 5.7L that I tow it with, and it's killing me on gas mileage. I would assume newer models would get at least somewhat better mileage than the 08. The last tow was in...
  2. dustertogo

    Cataract Surgery

    Scheduled for cataract surgery on my right eye tomorrow, and left eye next week. So, who all has had this, and how have you done?
  3. dustertogo

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all of my Mopar family!
  4. dustertogo

    Goodbye to our Kitty

    Had to say goodbye to our old girl Harmony yesterday. She would have turned 16 in August. She had been sick for about 3 1/2 months with vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and eventually quit eating and had a feeding tube placed . We saw 4 different vets, had multiple blood tests, x rays...
  5. dustertogo


    Anybody know of a source for 12 ga. 00 that actually has it in stock? Would like to buy minimum of 100 rounds. Thanks, Robert
  6. dustertogo

    Anybody here suffer from vertigo?

    I started having bouts with vertigo last September, and am now having at least a couple a month. I've been to an Ear Nose & throat specialist and basically was just given some exercises to do while lying down. These are supposed to help somehow with the problem in the inner ear that is causing...
  7. dustertogo

    Mother passed away

    My mother passed away last night after a short illness. Actually she had just celebrated her 94th birthday on June 11 and I think she was just worn and weary and ready to go see the Lord, my Daddy, and her other family members and friends that had gone on before. I am blessed to have had her...
  8. dustertogo

    Hip Replacement Surgery

    Well, it's finally that time. I'm scheduled for right hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. Anybody here had this done? Wish I could say I wasn't nervous, but I can't. Just don't know what to expect and how to deal with it. I'm not looking forward to this, but I'm tired of not being able to walk.
  9. dustertogo

    Prayers Needed

    Need prayers for my mother guys and gals. She had a stroke New Years day, and has been in the hospital with no improvement. She has little to no use of her left side, but the main problem is she is not waking up fully, and the doctor is not sure if it may be the medication or the stroke itself...
  10. dustertogo

    Hip Replacement

    About to turn 58, and I'm facing a hip replacement in the very near future. Anybody here had one? Robert
  11. dustertogo

    Having to put Mom in nursing home

    Well it looks like the time that I have dreaded for so long is finally here. My mom is 92 and her health has gotten much worse in the last 2 years or so. We can't keep her out of the hospital or rehab. She's been having one urinary tract infection after the other, and then developed C diff in...
  12. dustertogo

    Please pray for my Mother

    My mother is currently in the hospital due to a fall at home. She did not break anything this time, but in pulling and straining while trying to get up, she "broke down" the muscles in her arms and chest etc. What this does is releases enzymes /protein into the body which must leave through...
  13. dustertogo

    Party appetizers

    Anybody got any killer appetizers me and my wife can fix to take to some of the upcoming Christmas parties we'll be going to? Kinda tired of all the same old chip and dip stuff. Let's have 'em if ya got 'em.
  14. dustertogo

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to my FABO family.
  15. dustertogo

    New Grandson

    It's official...........I'm OLD ! Just got back from Chattanooga, TN celebrating the birth of our first grandbaby. Nicholas Logan was born last Friday, Nov. 20 and was 7lb 10oz and 21" long. All I can say is WOW ! I still haven't come down !
  16. dustertogo

    Sand Blasting Cabinet Question

    Does anybody know if you can use a shop vac to hook up to a sand blasting cabinet for at least some degree of dust control? I know it won't work like a "real" dust collector, but I'm just wanting to keep the dust down some anyway. Thanks.
  17. dustertogo

    What's Everybody Cookin' Tomorrow?

    What kind of dead meat are y'all throwin' on the grill / smoker tomorrow? I've got a couple of butts to smoke.
  18. dustertogo

    Think Your Luck's Bad?

    Just had to share this story........What are the odds of something like this happening? A couple of weeks ago there was a story in the local paper about a fellow in south Mississippi that was burning some trash out in his back yard. Seems he spotted a rattlesnake that was a little too close...
  19. dustertogo

    How do you like your steak?

    Well it's summertime and sho 'nuff HOT down south. Gas prices are crazy,and food costs are going up every day, but a guy (or gal) just has to splurge every now and then on a good steak. Let's hear what your favorite steak is (ribeye, sirloin, t-bone, etc.) and how you like it cooked (rare...
  20. dustertogo

    Anybody bought from this vendor?

    Has anyone here dealt with R/T Specialties? I place an online order for a few items on Feb. 2, and was told that they would contact me with total cost, shipping, and payment methods. I have never heard anything back from them. Just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with these folks.
  21. dustertogo

    What's Cookin'?

    Just wondering what everyone will be throwing on the grill today.
  22. dustertogo

    Happy Holidays

    Just wanted to wish all of my Mopar family Happy Holidays and all of the best for you and your family. We own, work on, and drive the best cars, and have the absolute best web site and people. What more could we ask for? May you and your family have a blessed Holiday.
  23. dustertogo

    Please pray for my mother

    Well it's been a hectic week. Just found out Wednesday that my mother had colon cancer and she was operated on Thursday. The doctors are optimistic, but my mother is not young and we need all the prayers we can get. I probably want be online for awhile but please remember our family.
  24. dustertogo

    Duster pics

    Well I don't know if this old Mopar nut will ever figure this stuff out or not...It's taken a week to figure out how to work the darn camera and then this uploading/downloading ??? whatever it is????? Anyway here are some pics of my 73 340 Duster that I bought new when I graduated from high...