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  1. Scody21

    best of fakebook (or craigslist of what have you)

    That wing placement seems about right for him… lol
  2. Siksty7 Dart 270

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    I am very happy with my inexpensive street performance 318 combination, h Here it is: 318 bored .030 over, stock crank, rods, flat top pistons, trued up deck and trued up Magnum heads giving me a legit 9.0 :1 compression. Cam is 212/220 at .050, .480/.512 lift on 110 lobe separation. Stock...
  3. MobileCustoms

    My 742 Suregrip Rebuild - Pattern Check Looks Good To Me...?

    One last adjustment per Cass to set the backlash at .008 and he says it should be good to go now.
  4. hcallaway

    1968 Dodge Dart GT Sleeping Beauty?

    Hood to radiator seal. SS Black clips.
  5. Dana67Dart

    Looking for assistance decoding attached broadcast sheet

    on the build sheet if there is a number like this it represents 233 which is a code that will describe a specific arm rest. I cant find it, but there was a site or a post here that had hundreds of 3 digit codes and their meaning Some info is here The 1970 Hamtramck Registry Library Page...
  6. AAR 64Valiant

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Well you and Steph weren't around when I posted my early years from 13 on life experiences. So before that yes I was briefly an alter boy, and went to summer camp retreat. That lasted a week, and was sent home for being disruptive.
  7. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Hi All, Just got my first classic mopar

    Welcome from West Virginia......................... It looks like a solid Dart to start a project. :thumbsup:
  8. diymirage

    best of fakebook (or craigslist of what have you)

    Shoot, it might really be him then
  9. diymirage

    12 Dad jokes

    How was this not the very first one posted ?
  10. 66fs

    Hi All, Just got my first classic mopar

  11. mygasser

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    here we go again...... :rofl:
  12. J

    Bucket seat rail refernces

    Hi All, I just started working on a 66 dart gt hardtop basket case. When reinstalling the buckets for fun I found that the rail studs dont line up in the inboard rails. Am I missing something? I can add pics later once the rain stops.
  13. Dartnut

    12 Dad jokes

    Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9.
  14. Dartswinger70

    318 build with dyno session

    Id want to see a 318 with the aftermarket heads I'm curious what heads would do on a teen.
  15. dartindanno

    proud daddy... :)

    That is awesome Joe! Congrats to your daughter!
  16. N

    Great day at the dyno!

    Do you have a graph with torque on it? Also do you remember you initial timing number and at what rpm the curve is in? I’m not surprised with those heads at your timing numbers. Just curious about the shape of the curve.
  17. C

    [WANTED] Dart Letters

    I may just use the one peg along with some glue. There is no hole for the second peg now and hate to disturb the new paint.
  18. Petty Betty

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I’d believe it. You are all angels around here.
  19. WV64Signet

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Pure as the fresh driven snow he was before that
  20. Scody21

    best of fakebook (or craigslist of what have you)

    Maybe an hour. Commerce is Denver, Severance is Fort Collins’s…
  21. Petty Betty

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Well she started it …. :lol: Damn women. They get you in trouble every time.
  22. 66fs

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    Ok, what raw material do we have right now? Engines, what year 273, transmissions, rears? All to go in a 70 Swinger. Is the 318 in the Swinger running now? Pictures? Sell the cam for sure.
  23. H22A4

    1971 Demon, FC7 Plum Crazy

    I applaud your dedication! That is an ambitious project and keep us updated!!
  24. WV64Signet

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  25. T

    Great day at the dyno!

    trimethylpentane is a reference only and should not be used to compare burn rates of typical gasolines (or e85 for that matter) as there are many many additives affecting burn rate in standard gasolines. The amount of lead time (timing advance) is more closely related to chamber type, style, and...
  26. J

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    ...want the car to be, how you would like to use it in the future and what your expectations are. and i can't stress this enough, you have got to be *realistic* about this. do all of this before you even start *thinking* about budget. once you're got that, then you can start looking for a...
  27. 2

    [WANTED] 65 Barracuda woodgrain steering wheel horn cap retainer

    OK thanks. Definitely interested in the retainer, and possibly the cap- again no rush, please send a picture of it when you can. Much appreciated!