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  1. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    Do you mean the testing of the coil, ballast resistor, etc? I tested them out of the car, completely disconnected from the rest of the system. I havent tested when the car dies... It is weird in that the car will die but then within 5-10 minutes it will restart and seemingly have no issues...
  2. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    Thanks for the replies everyone. Late one at work tonight (and all this week). I’ve ordered feeler gauges and will look to pick up one of halifaxhofs books once pay day comes around. This weekend, I’ll definitely get around to some testing to see what (if anything) I can figure out. I will...
  3. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    It seems like everyone it pointing to it more-so being a symptom of ignition whether its a bad coil, ballast, pickup coil etc. For the sake of my own curiosity, why does it seem like everyone is erring to ignition/spark rather than fuel? Just curious to help myself out in the future for...
  4. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    I have a volt/ohm meter as well as a test light. Outside of that, basic hand tools, an extra battery, brute force, and a lot of ignorance. I’ll look into getting one of his troubleshooting books now.
  5. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    best I could do with a flashlight in my mouth
  6. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    people like you are the reason I serve
  7. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    Really sorry to offend you. Was just hoping someone had run into a very similar issue and it was a “no duh” kinda thing… I’ll post some pictures another time. I’m juggling an 18 month old with a double ear infection and I’m about two weeks out from a deployment, so I don’t have a ton of time to...
  8. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    When I was looking earlier I wasn’t able to source just the pickup but it looks like I’ve found a few now.
  9. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    Is there a way to bench test the pickup coil? Reckon I’d have to buy a whole new distributor if it doesn’t function properly anyway?
  10. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    I bought a new fuel pump today, will try it out this week hopefully.
  11. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    Okay everyone, apologies for the late reply on this... I've been busy with life (work) and also trying to diagnose/figure out this issue. For those wondering; it is a Holley 4150; 650 CFM 4bbl double pumper. The ignition has been converted to electric. It looks like it is one of the original...
  12. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    The distributor is tight and I checked all of those connections. I reckoned if it were timing it would have started up soon after it cut off and wouldn’t have ran fine after the 30 min or so wait time. I could be wrong though.
  13. Mattbearpig

    Car died for 20 min after a few bouts of hard acceleration

    Okay team, BLUF: car died and wouldn’t start for about half an hour after a few pulls. I have a new to me 273 Commando in my ‘67 Barracuda… today I was driving around trying to waste gas (prior owner did not warn me of gas leak when above 3/4 tank). In an attempt to waste as much gas in as...