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    RICK@LAYSONS is out-of-commision for ahwile....

    You have a lot of friends here and we are all thinking good thoughts.
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    I have opened a can of worms

    Another thought on the painted bumpers is that chrome is extremely hard, and I am not sure how you would properly prep it for paint. Would you take it to a plater and have them strip it of the nickel and chrome already on it? Or is there an adhesion promoter that would work?
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    I have opened a can of worms

    I think the painted bumpers v. chrome bumpers is an age thing. I grew up with chrome, and my personal opinion is that painted bumpers on anything but a black car look like the guy who owns the car was too cheap to pay for the chrome job. On a black car, they look like something from a...
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    People knitpicking your car.

    63 Dartman got it right: "I've had such a great time building my car and learning that it just doesn't matter." I have been playing with this stuff for darned near 40 years. Trust me, the people who nitpick wouldn't know a lug nut from a sloane valve. My personal favorites are the ones...
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    A little Peeved

    Nothing like a little harmless venting to keep everyone going. My pet peeve is people who don't respond, at least with a "Thank You" when you respond to one of their ads. To me, it is like opening your front door and then just standing there ignoring the person on the other side, but then...
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    Vans Automotive VS Dante's

    I have bought inner and outer door handles, straps, and other stuff from Van's, and have been extremely satisfied with everything I have bought. Got a set of their $75/pr outside door handles and they are top notch. Talked to them at length at Chryslers @ Carlisle. Great guys, knowledgeable...
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    Im in need of some stuff. Can you help?

    Via eBay, I picked up a weatherstrip set from S&S Classic f new castle, PA, for $129.It was a Metro Molded set, and included the roofrail seals, trunk seal, and door seal. That seemed pretty friendly to me.
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    do 4dr fenders fit on a 2dr Dart?

    Yep. You may have to fill a trim hole here or there or drill a hole for a badge or emblem, but yes, they should definitely interchange.
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    Top 10 things I hate about A Bodies

    Back seat removal isn't that bad. The cushion pushes in to release, like most cars. Unlike most backs that have bolts holding them in, there's a tab on each side near the bottom that you need to bend and the seat comes right out. Piece of cake.
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    Top 10 things I hate about A Bodies

    The right hand / left hand lug nuts and studs actually made sense, the idea being that the forward motion of the car would keep the lug nuts tight. As far as the dash board goes, you don't know the half of that one until you try to work on one while wearing bifocals. Helen Keller would have an...
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    What are some signs that the hobby is getting expensive?..

    I collect old radios, too. Used to be a local guy who had a trailer and used to haul radios to every local radio swap meet. His prices were 20 times outrageous, and he never sold anything. In fact, had you agreed to his outrageous prices, he probably would have walked away from you. People...
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    1948 Dodge Custom. And I still get all misty-eyed whenever I even THINK of a flathead. Bought her in 1973, and my parents were PISSED. In fact they have been dead nearly 10 years and I will bet they are STILL pissed. I paid $200 for her and had the time of my life.
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    New for 2012 - Pelosi GTxi

    In the 1930's, Adolph Hitler and his fun bunch brought out the Volks Empfanger, literally, the "People's Radio". It had a rather large speaker in it for a table top radio, and sounded really great. It also had a purpose-built chassis in it that could only pick up stations a few miles away...
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    71 Dart literature

    Terry: That link is the best Christmas gift EVER!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been hunting for this info for MONTHS and have been coming up empty handed at every turn. This is EXACTLY what I wanted. Thanks so much! Dick
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    71 Dart literature

    I am one of those idiots who tries to keep his cars as original as possible. The problem is, I can find limited info, pictures, or little of anything else about the 1971 Darts, other than shop manuals, and parts books. Did the factory not publish a spearate dart brochure in 1971? That stuff...