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  1. Plaschy

    Now I know what unsee really means.

    It's not me. I'm NOT that old.
  2. Plaschy

    Free, Free, Free

    Please estimate the S&H to Sweden.
  3. Plaschy

    Saab Superbird (aka the plywood Saab)

    I did publish this picture over at Facebook in the forum "Gamla custom bilar i sverige" which means Old Customcars in Sweden. One person stated that the form of the windshield made this "Superbird" a '67 or later Saab. Therefore and most likely the engine is a V4.
  4. Plaschy

    Saab Superbird (aka the plywood Saab)

    This Superbird clone was once a Saab. The builder pieced together two hoods to make the nose cone. The wing is made of plywood. Instead of the "Plymouth" script on the back fender it says "Plywood".
  5. Plaschy

    Add Your Own Caption Part 48

    This town ain't big enough for the both of us.
  6. Plaschy

    50's Car Show Game - See How you Do!

    You got 83% (40 right out of 48). The average score is 73%
  7. Plaschy

    funny car model names