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    Add Your Own Caption Part 24

    whell i gess we are not cut out for being betty crocker so lets get waisted
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    He's Hartley, I'm Merenda, the nut bustin' cops

    I say fire both of those pigs and never let them have a badge again and label them sex offenders for the rest of their lives.
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    New defense against drunk driving--sort of

    its no wonder why companys profit in billions now if they just made millions then one lawsuit could steal a whole quarters profits. Look at big oil companys if they didnt make billions how would they pay for one spill because people are so lawsuit happy these days. Make me a judge and stuff...
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    Got stung on the lip today!

    was going to fill in a hole and took one shovel full of dirt and realized i found a bumble bee nest got the heck away from that situation without a sting
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    Cat lovers, cover your eyes!

    bet that cat wont go arround candles any more
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    the chain with the latest in anti theft cause nothing detures crooks like a big lock on a chain. the big hose is the closest compeditor for the big lock on a chain but the big hose is just not user freindly and dosent prevent theft as seen in the picture invest in the latest anti theft the chain...
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    Don Cherry

    I agree with don sometimes tortureing one person could save the lives of many so what is the problem with it. honestly if they have a suspected (innocent untill proven gulty) person in jail and they beleive that he knows where a bomb might go off then beat it out of them and save many lives...
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    Low overhead

    i thought that their crack went in their pipe(at least in Mainsfeild) The only thing funny about the mainsfeild prostitutes is how many twigs and leaves are in their hair.
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    What did Bill tell Hillary.....

    a response to who ever said hillary is ugly LIKE MONIKA LEWINSKI WASNT i would rather do hillary than her
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    Female Driver Compilation, Very Funny!!

    whats even more funny than that vidio is the fact that women get cheeper insurance premiums.
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    (Game) test your engine I.D. skills.

    i got 11 correct damb ford and chevy had some ugly engines
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    Top 10 Things Men Know About Women

    begining to think your right but looking for a good woman is like looking for a good car in the budget row of a used car lot and the number one thing that men know about women 1never tell them to shut up because they get louder 2many are crazy 3 they do not opperate with lodgic
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    Top 10 Things Men Know About Women

    1 periods can make any nice woman into a ***** 2 women are very stupid 3 bitching is womens way of comunication 4 never tell them that they are fat 5 shopping can take hours even for just a few things 6 women know very little about cars things women should realize about men 1 put...
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    What Your Car Says About You

    Chevy Astro Van: I hate cleaning and havent done it in about 10 years. i dont know what color the floors are Dodge Dakota: average male jacked up truck: Short person that always wanted to know what the weather was like up there Hummer H2: Drug dealer or overly rich person Mini Van...
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    GI Joe vs The Twins

    i really like the suspention one although it did not look like that was a totally independant suspention but i would like to see the totally independant suspention on that model
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    I could be wrong

    did you see the wife he left he must be gay
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    why its great to be a man

    men dont have periods men can get a whole new wardrobe in a single store in 10 minutes dont have to worry about getting fat can actually drive men understand math
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    Men's Thesauraus

    I love YOu: meaning Lets have sex now That sounds like fun Id rather shoot myself than do that
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    I am a red neck

    i gess i am a redneck you may be a redneck if you after missing a opossom the first time with your truck put it reverse and try again