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  1. S

    One too many

    Inez and Homer, a pair of good ol rednecks from the mountains of Tennessee, went to the doctor down in the valley to see about a vasectomy for Homer. The Dr explained the procedure,the cost etc. then asked why he needed a vasectomy. Inez said " Well we have nine kids now and we read in the...
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    Johnny Cakes---hope I can do THIS again LOL

    You didn't have to have hogs. Lard was available in the grocery store in 1 gallon and 5 gallon containers. May still be. It may not be the healthiest stuff around, but believe me,for taste, the stuff cooked in it couldn't be beat.
  3. S

    mini dodge dart

    I remember a 57 chebby around here, in fact I knew the guy that owned and built. It was nicely done, but stil looked useless to me. I would think those things would be very tricky to drive,especially on a crooked road.
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    mini dodge dart

    Damn, what a waste, in so many ways.
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    Come on now.....

    If someone buys the thing and trys to run it, it'll probably blow its guts. I remember back in the day it seemed likee half the time at the dragstrips was spent cleaning up the blown up chebby big blocks.
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    Slow down!

    he may wind up walking.
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    First pass at the drags = FAIL

    Did that back in 67 in my brothers 66 coronet 500 hemi 4spd. Embarrising, but it happens.
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    Speaking German in Texas

    Take some back to obama!
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    So, I can call him, "you little bastard?"

    Just looks like a cheap ***** to me.
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    Best Craig's ad, then now, ever............

    If I were rich, I buy it and use it for a rolling garbage can.
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    If pets kept diaries.

    We have both, the dog worships me and would defend me with his life. The cat loves me when it serves her purpose, but she makes it plain that she comes first.
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    losing your marbles

    Well if I had been counting, my marbles would have been gone this past february. Although I know this old body is wearing out and I have some problems,I just don't worry about it. Not looking forward to dying,but not worried about it either. Would like to improve some health issues and be able...
  13. S

    My trip to costco

    I heard another variation. The wife had put her husband on a dog food diet on the reccomendation of his doctor. After a couple of weeks the Dr ran into the wife and when he asked how he was doing,she told him he had died. He asked what happened, and she replied thaat he was lying in the middle...
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    Things that I get in my spam folder

    I have found it pretty easy to lead these jerks on for a while until they are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of a score, then break the bad news to them. My scam screen must be working pretty well, don't get them much anymore.
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    Moral dilemma

    Don't know a lot about complicated cameras, but what is the slowest shutter speed they have,and you would need to take the whole role of film up,wouldn't you?
  16. S

    Breaking News!!!

    I do enjoy college football but no interest in pro ball. Another waste, as far as I'm concerned is hollywood. A bunch of people getrting paid outragous amounts for pretending to be somebody they are not. And the quality of most of what is being produced today really sucks. I think the ratio of...
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    Do you park your car illegally?

    I saw an article in the paper a few days ago about a pro athlete,( basketball I think) was cited for parking his BMW across two handicapped spaces. A tank could have been put to good use there.
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    colonoscopy,not far from the truth!

    I'm headed toward 75 and have had several of these. It ain't the most pleasant experience,but believe me there are much worse things to go through than this.
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    The Pope and Obama

    Would be better if they were on a balcony about five stories up.
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    Check out these F'ugly Cars! lol

    The windshield and roof section looks like it might have come from a Duster. Not only a lot of thought, but a lot of very skillful work went into it. Pretty neat, would like to own it!
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    A US Navy.....

    Hey MT, got any good Texas jokes? I had an army buddy from Texas many years ago, and he was full of em.
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    Obama Bingo

    Won't print for me. It would really have to be fun to make me listen to him speak tho.
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    1970 Challenger commercial

    Yeah, I remember those commercials too. My wife was working at a dodge dealership at that time. The dealership took in as a trade- in, a 68 road runner that was high miles,but otherwise solid,one of the very early versions, a no frills 4 speed. They put $650 in it,and she bought it for that...
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    Dr. Visit for a colonoscopy

    Damn, Greendart, you had to remind me! I have one coming up next week.
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    Politics explained

    Good joke, but oh, so true!
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    dog farts

    Dusted, I have had weiner dogs since 1966. They all farted,but none like the minature I have now,who is going on 10 years old. He can turn the air green!
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    Highly confidential

    According to one of Bills uh, female associates, He told her that Hillary had eaten more beaver than he had.