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  1. 340-4spd

    Hip Replacement

    I had the right hip replaced at age 53 back in January. Definitely a very traumatic experience, but well worth it. Just follow instructions and DO THE REHAB!
  2. 340-4spd

    Sleeping in when you have kids

    Just wait a few years and ater they get to be teenagers you won't be able to get them out of bed with a cattle prod. They will be keeping you up at night coming and going in the wee hours, playing music and video games until the sun comes up and sleeping all morning after that.
  3. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    So you let a complete stranger take a 12 mile test drive in the rain on bad tires? And just as a reminder, if you took the tires off... You're going to have to explain what this means: because I don't get it. Unless you intended to to sell a car with a new inspection sticker that did not...
  4. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    When did you take the tires off?
  5. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    That's a new one - shady car buyer. :o
  6. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    You bought it off Craigslist or some such local webvert "with issues." You .. So why did you get it inspected? To sell it? That's what you said. We're not talking about a crate engine. We're talking about flipping a POS with a new inspection sticker on it to some sucker, right?
  7. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    True that. And my calling anything "facts" could be considered a stretch, as well.
  8. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    You can speculate all you want, don't mean a thing. I was trying to go on only the facts that have been presented.
  9. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    So why get it inspected if your intention is to talk about it and undo things that make it pass inspection?
  10. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    Yeah, a good con artist would have been smart enough not to do that.
  11. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    Even the title of this thread he started yesterday, "opinions wanted; car sales gone bad," makes me wonder about this guy. We all know the as-is-where-is mantra. And everyone was quick to point that out and re-hash it. So why has it "gone bad?" His own words. If you ascribe to the...
  12. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    Again this is true, but not the issue I see. The issue I see is the question of whether or not the car was misrepresented, and like I said, seems to me this may be the case here, from my perspective. I could be totally wrong. Or not. Still waiting for the OP to answer my question and plead...
  13. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    This is true - true words con artists live by. =;
  14. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    A car that passed inspection? Ya think, maybe?
  15. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    Selling a car that is "supposed" to have passed the MIV with bad tires seems a bit sketchy to me. Probably just one of many "clues" as to what really happened. Why come on here asking for vindication if your conscience is clear? Sounds to me like the OP found a sucker and took full advantage...
  16. 340-4spd

    opinions wanted; car sales gone bad

    Why did you take the tires? That was one of the inspection items.
  17. 340-4spd

    Don't ever forget Pearl Harbor

    What was that about learning history or being doomed to repeat it? Oh yeah: Beghazi. Khobar Towers. USS Cole. Beirut 1983, to name a few. The list is long and tragic, but they never learn. (sigh) Maybe someday.
  18. 340-4spd

    Is it the world or just me?

    I would consider intentionally running into someone who did not see you coming to "put him on his ***" as the definition of rude. They have 15 yard penalties for that in the NFL.
  19. 340-4spd

    Is it the world or just me?

    These things are just new ways of communicating. Some are more appropriate than others, depending on what you want to accomplish with it. Along with the good comes the bad, but that's down to the people using it, not the technology in itself. Distracted driving will eventually become...
  20. 340-4spd

    Frigging Duramax injectors.....

    True, this is the issue with modern common rail diesel injectors. But you are looking at the cleaning issue from the wrong end of the injector. The best way to keep them cleaner for longer service life is through better fuel filtration. Fuel contamination and water at even the tiniest...
  21. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    Not exactly: Two MAFFS-equipped C-130s from the Wyoming Air National Guard's 153rd Airlift Wing and the U.S. Air Force Reserve Command's 302nd Airlift Wing have been working out of Peterson Air Force Base, located in Colorado Springs, Colo., since...
  22. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    I use it as something easily accessible, convenient for forum sharing and in most cases more easily understandable for less educated or intelligent in"duh"viduals.
  23. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    So are you saying the MAFFS information in Wikipedia is incorrect?
  24. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    Ya think?! So what is his effin' problem?
  25. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    The planes ARE NOT "equipped with tanks." The MAFFS units are portable modules comprising a self-contained system that may be loaded on any C130 called up for firefighting duty by the Governor (for ANG planes) or federal authorities who direct it - not people like you who imagine their peril is...
  26. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    You mean the one in the picture you found on the Internet? Or the ones stationed at eight locations around the country that are not even kept on the planes? I am a retired AF Master Sergeant and have spent more time on C130s than you have sitting in front of your PC pretending to have a clue.
  27. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    Yes, my work here is done. Now we can can go back to worrying about the victims instead of ranting about the blame for imaginary faults of the military and government. :finga:
  28. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    Fixed it for you!
  29. 340-4spd

    Arsen Starting Fires Here in Southern Colorado!

    Just a few facts for anybody doubting their ability to formulate clues: What you "might" be imagining (as far as C-130s are concerned) is the MAFFS or Modular Airborne Firefighting System: MAFFS equipment is stationed at eight...
  30. 340-4spd

    Girl wants to meet for drinks but... I don't really drink WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    I was gonna go there, but everybody seemed to have it covered pretty well. :cheers: I'm kinda diggin' the new vibe. :finga: Political correctness is ruining this country. :violent1: