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  1. 65dart360

    Go KC Royals

    Go royals i've been 29 years waiting to see them make the post season make it count . Last time they went I was 6 months old lol. Posted via Topify on Android
  2. 65dart360

    My rust removal experiment - photos

    I have yet to do this myself but have a friend that has restored about 25 case tractors and has 4 tubs of this method going. He hardly uses the sand blaster anymore just puts parts in the tubs and takes them out 24 hours later . Posted via Topify on Android
  3. 65dart360

    Bill Stone aka(Small Block)

    Thoughts and prayers for a awesome guy. Posted via Topify on Android
  4. 65dart360

    Please Vote! Philly Auto show - Mopar vs ford

    Done. Posted via Topify on Android
  5. 65dart360

    Happy Birthday MOBodyman !!!

    Happy birthday. Posted via Topify on Android
  6. 65dart360

    Find out if its a boy or girl tomorrow!

    It's a GIRL and healthy and I couldn't be happier.:happy3:
  7. 65dart360

    Find out if its a boy or girl tomorrow!

    Well me and the wife go tomorrow to see if the newest addition to ourn family is a boy or a girl im excited and ready to find out. We already have 3 girls and this one was not planned at all but im excited and as long as its healthy im happy but a boy would be nice to even the numbers a little...
  8. 65dart360

    Cheap craigslist duster Hope the link works looks like a easy fix lol.
  9. 65dart360

    What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

    I'm only 28 and have done many of these things but it also helped growing up in a rural area i'm sure. I remember riding in back portion of my grandfathers 63 split window corvette. There's only two seats in those things lol. I had a little fold up chair he would put in front of the back glass...
  10. 65dart360

    Major League Baseball,fans...

    One year my kc royals will be a wining team and it will end the longest playoff drought of any north American professional sports team.
  11. 65dart360

    look what we found at a swap meet

    no i didnt buy. I would have had to bought a k car to put it on but now that i think about i bet i could buy a k car cheaper than the intake. lol
  12. 65dart360

    look what we found at a swap meet

    i thought it was off a 413 but they told me no. i dont think they know what they had lol
  13. 65dart360

    look what we found at a swap meet

    well this weekend me and a couple members went to a swap meet in springfield,mo we seen this long intake for chrysler 2.2 or 2.5 k cars had a 4 barrel anyone ever see one before