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  1. C

    Collector Car Insurance

    I am insured thru my regular policy (Cincinnati Insurance Company). Rates are stupid cheap and they really don't seem to care that much about how I drive it as long as it isn't my primary source of transportation.
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    Redneck Jokes - A different take

    My name is Dick, and I'm a redneck.
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    40 and Falling Apart

    Wait 'til you hit 50. Then the parts REALLY start falling off. The good thing is your memory starts to get a little weak, so you don't remember what all those parts were for in the first place. ;-) The hurting joints I can deal with, it's the stiffness that kills me. I love working on these...
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    Found a Good plastic headlight restoration kit.

    I used the kit you are talking about, it's the best 20 bucks I ever spent. Wally World also sells it, comes in a silver pouch. For those who have a talent to pinch a dime, you can use buffing compound with a buffer, then hit them with a clear coat and get good results, too. Without a good...
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    Sick of Autozone and Checker.

    And now a word from the other side of the counter: You would be amazed how many times customers come in, and not only do they NOT know what year their car is, they don't know the model, and some even don't know the brand. Brakes are my favorite. I asked a guy what the gross vehicle weight...
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    Who Has a Dart?

    Here's mine. And God, help me remember how it goes back together........
  7. C

    rite are wrong

    You did put a wide screen plasma TV on one of his credit cards, right? ;-)
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    My GIANT MESS of a garage

    Nice work. I had my own situation, in a way. Back in 1990, I found a 1965 Newport convertible listed in the local paper. I went to look at it, they wanted $200. It wouldn't start, and the quarter panels were shot a long time ago. Anyhow, it followed me home. I could never find body parts...
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    Ok I'm PI$$ED

    We had a situation near here a couple of months ago, where cops pulled over a woman for speeding, while on her cell phone, without her seat belt, while breast feeding her baby. And she felt the cop was being unreasonable. There are some amazing people out there.
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    I need Help! One Wire Alternator

    One wire alternator was used with a mechanical regulator. The 2 wire regulator was used with the electronic voltage regulator. The one wire and 2 wire alternators are essentially the same unit, except on the one wire alternator, one end of the field goes to ground. On the 2 wire alternator...
  11. C

    My rant on parts sellers (Ebay and others)

    That's mostly correct. An NOS part is one made or marketed by the original automobile manufacturer through its parts arm, during or near the production run period of the car. An NORS (New old Replacement Part) is one made or marketed by a third party, like NAPA, Western Auto, Stant, Niehoff...
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    Migraines and cluster headaches

    I get migraines every time I look at the fenders I bought on eBay for my 71 Dart last fall. ;-) Seriously, though, I used to get splitting headaches that would start behind my left eye, radiate along my scalp to the base of my neck. It felt like somebody was trying to split my head open with...
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    1973 Dodge Dart Sport

  14. C

    Your Redneck is asking for your help

    Give us a full report on the outcome!
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    From the Urban dictionary...

    It's not that their engines are so superior, it's because the bodies are so light. Put a weed eater engine on a roller skate and you will get the same result, and a similar sound.
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    i need a ride!

    I bought Scampy 2 years ago at Carlisle (PA), and the logistics of getting her home were a bit overwhealming. Round Trip about 1000 miles in a RAM ain't cheap, plus tolls, plus trailer rental, plus wear and tear on the ol' bod. A friend of mine put me in touch with It works alot...
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    im discusted with old guy purists

    I'm an old car purist, too. My question is, why do you place so much importance on what others think? Did you really work that hard and spend that much money to receive accolades? None of those idiots on the street have 1/10th the knowledge you have acquired while working on your car(s)...