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  1. BigSlim

    rechrome bumpers

    Tri City for me too!! I had 2 sets re-chromed and they did a great job on both. If you have a show that they participate in close to you they will bring the bumpers to the show and not charge any shipping.You'll have to use your old bumpers as cores.
  2. BigSlim

    67-69 fenders on a 74

    74 What?:toothy10:
  3. BigSlim

    67 Valiant windshield,rear gaskets

    I just went through all this with my 69 Valiant. To the best of my knowledge the REAR glass seal/gasket is not available at any price!! I ended up finding a usable used one.:pale:
  4. BigSlim

    Soda Blasting?

    I had the outside of the car less the hood and the indie of the truck, deck lid and doors done. Bill charges by the hour and the bill came to just under $700.00, I think it was like $680.00.
  5. BigSlim

    Soda Blasting?

    Soda blasting will NOT remove rust. I had my Barracuda soda blasted and it is some good stuff, it wont harm glass, chrome or rubber but it'll take paint right off.
  6. BigSlim

    67 dart windshield trim/seal?

    Yep,Mike has them. Thank you very much.
  7. BigSlim

    67 dart windshield trim/seal?

    How about a 69 Valiant? I'm guessing that there's no new glass available because its a post car.
  8. BigSlim

    soda blasting

    My advice is to spend the $700.00 bucks and let a pro do it. I'm like you guys and I always like to "do it myself" but I decided that I couldn't justify buying good equipment to do one, two or even three cars. Called in a local guy, he did a great job, I was happy and clean!
  9. BigSlim

    4 speed hump

    Hope these help!! If you don't cut the floor out yuor trans and shifter linkage won't fit.
  10. BigSlim

    Post Your Hoodscoops

    :walk:Womanator, Nice SCOOPS, I always was a fan of pink air handlers!!!!
  11. BigSlim

    Rattle can petty blue

    73 Duster "Petty Blue", factory paint. 69 Barracuda B3
  12. BigSlim

    Rattle can petty blue

    Definitely not B3, maybe B5 (?). My Barracuda is B3 and its way to light in color.
  13. BigSlim

    post your blue mopars!!

    B-3 Paint