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  1. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    That is his only light at the end of the Tunnel, he wants nothing to do with that stuff.
  2. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    Not so much tolerant I feel bad for him,he has it rough he is the only one in his family with a job, supports his mom his 2 dead beat drug abusing brothers you know the type. He is actually a good kid,honest,but he lets people run his life.
  3. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    This guy(young kid) sits at a window and processes orders simple job I used to call him every morning at 5/5:30 to check on things and I would ask him if the Trailer had arrived yet and he had to check with the folks inside the cooler because he was too busy on the internet to notice a...
  4. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    I see that all the time at work people get so involved with that kind of stuff and then their work suffers because of it I have one employee that his computor has the internet locked out because he would abuse it everyday.
  5. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    Thanks it was great reading your PM the sample I saw with the copper veins was a rough (bumpy) finish I saw something on your site that resembled the finish.
  6. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    Dusted she replied to my PM and she seems like a great person to deal with Thanks for the heads up!
  7. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    dusted in todays world company's like her's are few some folks chose the Almighty dollar over quality and service. Myself I chose to go with the little guy over the big ones I like the personal service when I am spending my money.
  8. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    By the way Dusted72 thanks for your service to this great country!
  9. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    I will send her a PM this old guy doesn't do facebook or even cares to find out. Dusted72 are you sure you aren't getting a commission on her sales? Just Kidding!
  10. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    Thanks Dusted72 I have a 1998 hummer and had the military steel wheels powdercoated as soon as i tightened up the lug nuts the coating came off in chunks so you can see why I am leary.
  11. 72hemidart

    Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

    Cudachick I am kinda of new to the forum but from what i have seen and heard on the forum you do fantastic work. I have a custom motorcycle frame that i want to have powercoated. I had some wheels done by a local guy and i was very disapointed in his work so now i am a little leary. What I am...
  12. 72hemidart

    can any one help me with my son

    Bottom line is kids today are different and do not share the same forms of enjoyment as we did(for our 50+ crowd) we were outside playing ball,and other such things. Who ever heard of a play date when we were small?
  13. 72hemidart


    I am a firm believer in it doesn't hurt to ask what is the worse that can happen a person says No. Everyone is looking for a bargin and I don't care who you are rich or poor. So hats off to anyone with the smarts to ask to pay less! My motto "If it is for free than it is for me"
  14. 72hemidart

    FABO Transportation Network Available

    Muddog any interest in going from Wisconsin To Houston
  15. 72hemidart

    FABO Transportation Network Available

    Looking to transport a car from Wisconson to Houston Texas Not running.