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  1. ElephantKiller

    I got a few new photos

    That would be Danica Patrick from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
  2. ElephantKiller

    Gas savers? Hokey bologna?

    I read through the claims and a lot of the "science" that they are claiming sounds like a load. The one claim that sticks out is that premium fuels get better gas milage. I know this not to be true. Higher octane fuels get less milage than lower octane fuels. Also the point about "Where...
  3. ElephantKiller

    Typical Mustang owner!!

    All I want to know is where can I find that soundtrack. I think that is what the X games have been missing all along. The theme to "Thrashing" blairing over loud speakers.
  4. ElephantKiller

    Typical Mustang owner!!

    Wow, now I know how my wife feels when I talk about cars. Clueless and dumbfounded. The extent of my knowledge about skate boarding is what I learned from the movie "Gleaming the Cube".
  5. ElephantKiller

    Anyone ever used a Vehicle Tilter?

    I saw this as well. There is something inside of me that says "any time a car is on it's side, something bad has happened". Also, I wouldn't think that would be good on the suspension.
  6. ElephantKiller

    Got Rain?

    I know how you feel. We just barely got our corn in because it was so wet. Now we're waiting for it to dry off to get beans in and cut brome. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays dry. This is the greenest I've seen Kansas in June.
  7. ElephantKiller

    Any hunters here????

    It's funny. I read this post and my step mother sent me this link. Kinda mixes hunting and fishing into one sport. Have any of you guys done this? Do these fish actually do this? These are silver carp according to the email...
  8. ElephantKiller

    finally 4 matching rims.....

    Thanks, Joe. BTW the Dart looks mean.
  9. ElephantKiller

    finally 4 matching rims.....

    When you say stock brakes, do you mean the 73 and up disc brakes? I am planning on using Mustang rims on my 73 Duster and am now wondering if I will need to upgrade my discs to the Wilwoods. Also do you have to have power brakes to run the Wilwoods?
  10. ElephantKiller

    You know what's an expensive hobby??

    Just for size comparison, here is a Gleaner A85. The front drive tire is about 6' tall.
  11. ElephantKiller

    You know what's an expensive hobby??

    I don't know what the Deeres are going for, but I know our Gleaner, Massey, and Challenger Class VIII combines are going for around 300K. These things are huge hulking masses that inhale crops. They usually are equiped with a 35' header.
  12. ElephantKiller

    You know what's an expensive hobby??

    It depends on what size. I know that you can drop around 25 to 30K on a used tractor. Add a couple 10k for a new one. But, you need more than just a tractor. You'll have to harvest your crop. Expect to drop another 150K for a used combine. New ones are upwards of 200 to 250K. And then there is...
  13. ElephantKiller

    Help me pick a beer

    What is the your guy's opinion of Moosehead up there in the Great White North?
  14. ElephantKiller

    For those hunters at FABO

    I would agree. If those wolves have the patience to hunt and bring down a moose, then they would probably have to patience to wait him out of the tree if they knew he was there.
  15. ElephantKiller

    general motors talks to buy chrysler corp

    I agree with Thrashard340, you don't see Chevy's in High Performance Pontiac. Mopar Muscle and Super Chevy are dedicated enthusiast magazines, they wouldn't put the other brand on their pages. That is if the sale happens, which I'm praying real hard it doesn't. I hope this is a lot of over...
  16. ElephantKiller

    general motors talks to buy chrysler corp

    I read that same article from MSNBC. I'm not sure how much water I put in the article. The article talks more about the joint venture to develop a large SUV platform for Chrysler. Of which I don't understand, was it not the focus on large SUVs that almost sank both GM and Ford? I think I...
  17. ElephantKiller

    Anyone with an old barn or a big owl?

    Much like Scamp360 said, owl pellets are not poop. They are regurgitated from the other end of the owl. Granted, it's not much better than collecting the droppings. It is all of the bone and hair that can not pass through the owls digestive system. I think collecting owl pellets would be much...
  18. ElephantKiller

    The Pain.

    I feel your pain about the tooth. I just hand my right-hand upper removed and have to schedule the other three wisdom teeth to get cut out. One piece of advise I have to give is try to avoid the dry socket at all costs. Otherwise you get to go back and have the dentist shove gauze in the socket...