Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Statin users....

    This is going to be controversial but I'm going to throw it out there, do not take statins UNLESS you've already had a heart attack. The reality is that no studies have been performed that show that statins actually prevent a FIRST heart attack. And the studies that show that they help prevent...
  2. J

    Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

    This brings up the philosophical discussion about a hammer. Suppose your grandfather gives you his hammer that you cherish. The handle breaks and you replace it, is it still your grandfather's hammer? A little later the claw portion breaks while pulling nails and you replace that, is it still...
  3. J

    Got fireworks?

    No fireworks in Long Beach Ca. All illegal. :( $1000.00 Fine. Things are so dry here in California that I probably wouldn't light any off anyway.
  4. J

    Big Green Egg....number 3...

    Hey! Ink Junkie, don't be making fun of my shopping cart BBQ. It's the best the local supermarket had! ;) On a side note, I've seen these before and often wondered how good these things work, it's nice to see some first hand knowledge and not just some sale brochure that makes a bunch of...
  5. J

    Talk about FABO...

    FABO: It has the best repository of Gen III Hemi swap information anywhere on the internet; B-body, C-body, Ram Trucks and others visit and contribute to the wealth of Gen III Hemi swap community. With rare exception, the people on this site are knowledgeable, helpful, and pleasant, their...
  6. J

    I thought car parts was overpriced

    The cool factor. For computer geeks the Apple I is pretty freakin' cool. To each his own. As far as being able to drive my fictitious E Body, the reality is that when a car approaches that kind of value it becomes a trophy, something you rub with a diaper and ogle. It would be like owning...
  7. J

    I thought car parts was overpriced

    I do find it a bit funny that people are complaining about a 60K example of computer history as it being a waste of money, but get all excited and have no problem at all when an Original Hemi Cuda body rolls across the auction block and sells for 200K. Wow someone is willing to pay 200K for a...
  8. J

    I thought car parts was overpriced

    Couple of things. One: Apple didn't steal the GUI from Xerox, they were invited to Xerox because Xerox knew they had something cool but didn't know what to do with it. Also Xerox was compensated for the visit to PARC with pre IPO Apple stock. In other words Xerox was well compensated for...
  9. J

    6.1L Hemi short block price tag??

    True, but at least the guy did a search before he posted the same repeat question. I've seen the same questions popup so frequently I wonder if anyone knows how to do a search. Regards, Joe Dokes
  10. J

    6.1L Hemi short block price tag??

    Take your time, and search. I'm a big fan of craigslist. Though I ALWAYS deal local, and ALWAYS demand and use cash. Also this website allows you to search junk yards. Regards, Joe Dokes
  11. J

    22 ammo anyone have it yet??????

    Again, we've got one guy sitting on 20K rounds of .22 and Bigdummy sitting on 9mm even though he doesn't own a 9 mm firearm. I only partially blame the buyers of ammunition though, if there wasn't a persistent fear that ammunition was going to become unavailable than people wouldn't feel the...
  12. J

    22 ammo anyone have it yet??????

    And this is precisely why there is a temporary shortage of ammunition. The makers of ammunition won't increase production because opening new factories for a temporary increase in demand doesn't make any sense. Regards, Joe Dokes
  13. J

    Three times more $ than I guessed

    That's funny. I removed a furnace from my house and took it to the scraper and got $5.60 Clearly it must not have weighed that much. I had to cut it apart to get it out of the crawl space and it felt heavy. Congratulations on the sale. Joe Dokes
  14. J

    Christmas Family Photo

    It's a Cliche' but your daughter's childhood will flash by in the blink of an eye, try to enjoy the ride. Between the ages of 2-10 Christmas is magical, whoever said, "It is better to give than to receive," was clearly talking about the joy of giving a toy to a young child. Merry...
  15. J

    Christmas Family Photo

    Thought I'd share my Christmas Family Photo. We took this photo today, Dec 24 at the Los Angeles Zoo. We go every year on Christmas Eve. We started going when the kids were babies. The kids love the animals, and the zoo is lightly attended so the kids could run around and wear themselves...
  16. J

    dating service.....

    Is there anyway I can un-see that picture? Regards, Joe Dokes
  17. J

    dating service.....

    I beg to differ, spit coffee all over the monitor. Regards, Joe Dokes
  18. J

    magic eraser

    Holy crap, literally, what are you cleaning that you need 200 at a time? I like the things but I think I've gone through 20 in the last three years! Regards, Joe Dokes
  19. J

    anyone here deal with vertigo

    Have you changed or stopped any medications? I switched a prescription. The new medication did NOT cause vertigo until I stopped taking it. One of the withdrawal symptoms is vertigo. Mine wasn't nearly as bad as yours, but it was very unnerving. Regards, Joe Dokes
  20. J

    If it had a carb...

    Can you say stoned? It might be worth $1400.00 Regards, Joe Dokes
  21. J

    The Ball Stud HEMI… What could have been!

    I've seen engineering drawings and photos of the heads, color me not impressed. Reminds me too much of the cantered valve big block Chevy. It might have some benefit over a wedge head, but I don't think it would have the flow potential of a true opposing valve hemi head. Regards, Joe Dokes
  22. J

    The Al Bundy Thread

    My personal claim to fame: I got to meet Ed O'neill in 1994. He was performing in a two man play with George Wendt (Norm from Cheers) in Hollywood / Los Angeles California. The play house had two theaters we were seeing David Mamet's Oleanna staring a very young Kyra Sedgwick, after the play...
  23. J

    nail gun whoops

    When's the last time you had a tetanus shot? Might be time for a booster? Regards
  24. J

    nail gun whoops

    Late in the day + tired = accidents. Been there done that. I HOPE (not sure) I know when to quit for the day. Regards, Joe Dokes
  25. J

    This is why I recommend Whirlpool Appliances

    Here's another one and as an added bonus it includes the Harlem Shake. Harlem Shake (washing machine edition) - YouTube Enjoy
  26. J

    I hope it's true

    December 21st is both the date the world will end and my thirteenth wedding anniversary, coincidence? I think not. Regards, Joe Dokes
  27. J

    Bad day at work.

    I used to have an dune buggy with dual 48 IDA webers and open exhaust. It was loud. EVERY time I started it up and would do some tuning the cops would role up about 20 minutes later. The cops knew they couldn't do anything about it, as it was during the day, and I wasn't driving it up and...
  28. J

    the toughest bridge in the world

    :oops: I had to stop watching, it simply got too painful. Regards, Joe Dokes
  29. J

    All Tucked Away For The Winter

    What's winter? Snow? Never heard of it. Says the guy from Long Beach California, gotta love 330 days of sunshine a year. Regards, Joe Doeks