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  1. monook

    serious question about the world

    Sponge monkey science rebuttal. Powerful.
  2. monook

    serious question about the world

    Using billions of years as a science is not science. The only way to prove their point is by using graphs and pictures. This is imagination only.
  3. monook

    Do You Miss Your Appendix?

    Oh the proud self wisdom of some people. They teach children that the appendix was no longer needed because we evolved out of it. Isn't evolution about gaining? We can live without our eyes/ears/arms/legs and so on. The body was perfect at the beginning and slowly breaking down over time. A...
  4. monook

    Been a while

    It was Disney and the father. This was all planned as part of the program. To get the kids to watch the Hannah Montana show and the parents to approve of it. Now the kids that watched it grew up looking up to her as an IDOL. Bam! They now have a pile of nasty young adults that are programmed...
  5. monook

    Any one fly model planes?

    So true. The field that I flew at was over taken by the water co. So now I have to drive a good distance. The 700 was putting out 13.5 hp on the peaks in the graph when I recorded it from the Castle field link for the computer. Lot of power.
  6. monook

    Any one fly model planes?

    Went out last Saturday with the 500. And this is the 700 below. This one kind of scares me at times.
  7. monook

    Any one fly model planes?

    Been flying Rc helicopters for about 8 yrs on and off . Trex 500 and Trex 700. Always use the simulator to keep the senses up. Very expensive to crash.
  8. monook

    Suicide? Don’t do it, seek help...please!

    Pray and ask. Christ Jesus will give you what you need, not on what you want. Indoctrination from the start. How valuable is life. Abortion, call it a "fetus" and teach it is not human yet. Success , life is successful with what you have or what a person achieves. People with less or lower...
  9. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    Can not believe words written by Man says a Man. Circular reasoning. Science is done by Man. Romans 3:13.
  10. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    Plain nonsense. How do you know the cat thinks its a monster? And why would you compare believers in a creator to a cat? Serpent talk with smooth words. And why would a cat not convince others? Because its a CAT and you used a bad metaphor. You see, A cat does not have a conscience if you did...
  11. monook

    Mt Kilauea just erupted big time...

    If the Mount St Helens erupted lets say in the 1400's without witness the scientist would teach these layers were formed in millions of years. Grand Canyon is the same.
  12. monook

    Mt Kilauea just erupted big time...

    This is not science, this is imagination (millions of years ago).
  13. monook

    Prayers for Karli's family.

    Sorry to hear this Robert. Prayers for the family and friends.
  14. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    It takes more faith to believe in the religion of Evolution. When AJ Speaks people loose there minds. We can talk aliens, big bang, dinosaurs to birds, sea sponge to humans, multiverses and many many more. All are religious and is NOT science. This seems to not upset people. But if talk of a...
  15. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    A Princess kisses a frog. The frog turns into a Prince. Insert millions of years in-between and it becomes the religion of Evolution. Very good imagination and they teach this as fact? Change the channel if you do not like it. Go to the hotdog thread.
  16. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    If there are multiverses what are the chances of anything? Its all possible with imagination. Is there a chance in one of the universes that has a T-rex wearing blue shorts? Maybe a chance of a creator in another. How about steam powered Mopars?
  17. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    The cell in the grass will be millions of times more complex then the car. This happens naturally over time? We related to bananas as evolution teaches?
  18. monook

    "Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

    Careful on what to say. Remember the last thread? If you believe in Truth (B) and do not go along with Truth (A) then the thread will get shut down. I will go with Truth (B). Everything is designed. Extreme indoctrination example is even most scientist do not know is Tectonic Plates. There's...
  19. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Religion of evolution? Pretty nasty videos posted with very foul language. Just do not know the balance. I will log off for tonight.
  20. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Did someone complain?
  21. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Christ Jesus is the Lord. He loves you!
  22. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Fair enough. Study the complexity of life. Study why granite is here. Study bacteria flagellum. Study why some planets spin backwards. So many more... there is design. What kind of information is happening in just a conversation? Think real hard on the complexity of just that. Muscle control of...
  23. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Study! You are baiting. Stay off of comedy. This makes a person blind to the truth. Easy way out.
  24. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    The religion of evolution requires the same thing at the beginning . How else would population start from few?
  25. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Stay off of comedy and you will learn about it. Study!
  26. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    From the Sun to the Plants. Then the animals eat the plants. When an animal dies then the decay will start. Half life reading is 5730 years. When they say anything tested with Carbon dating with millions or even hundreds of thousand of years then we should know they are telling untruths.
  27. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Comedy for a way out. This is a way of staying misinformed.
  28. monook

    Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

    Define science please. Post 227.