I'm in need of an antenna assembly for a 69 barracuda. I have one but the antenna is broken in the base and the wire is cut so all I have that is of use is the lock nut and bezel, I need everything else.
Looking for a tail light panel for a 70-76 duster, Doesn't matter what year. Something that is usable and not all rusty. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
Looking for the trunk trim panel for a 69 barracuda. Does not have to be perfect, but looking for one that is dent free for a driver quality car. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
Looking for the rear window trim/chrome for a duster. Mainly just interested in the 2 bottom pieces, but would buy the entire window chrome if price is right. Let me know if you have it.
Looking for a Steel Hood for a 70-72 Duster. I'm from Frederick, MD area so could pick up if local or would pay shipping charges if they aren't to hateful.