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  1. srduster340

    [WANTED] '70 Dart Roof Skin

    I need a '70- '76 Dart roof skin. If anyone has one or knows of one please PM me.
  2. srduster340

    [WANTED] PRW 1.6 Small Block Rocker

    I need single PRW small block rocker arm with 1.6 ratio. Part# for the kit is 0231812. Contacted PRW and I was told the kit is discontinued. They do not have any singles to sell. Checked with distributors also. No luck.
  3. srduster340

    [WANTED] Flaming River Box

    Anyone got a Flaming River box they want to unload? I have lower control arms with sway bar tabs, A-body console, other parts to trade plus possible cash. Don't want to spend $500 on a new one.
  4. srduster340

    A Body Clutch Fork

    Anyone have an A Body clutch fork? I have parts to trade also. Water pump, crank pulleys, 49" center to center small yoke drive shaft. '70 -'72 Duster head lite/grille bezels. What do you need?
  5. srduster340

    4 Speed Needed

    I need a smallblock A-Body 4 speed. No OD units please. Have 2 already. I have a '92 A518 OD from a Ram truck to trade. Condition unknown as it was pulled from the boneyard.
  6. srduster340

    Arm Rest Pads

    I need arm rest pads for a '70-'72 Duster. I have a set of excellent '73 pads to trade. Pads must be in equal condition to trade.
  7. srduster340

    Dog Dishes

    I need dog dish hub caps. Prefer to trade as I have a $1700 transmission bill! What do you need. Have excellent '73 Duster black arm rests, sail panels, smallblock bellhousings, sale pending on one though. A-body 727 console. More parts available.
  8. srduster340

    Duster Arm Rests

    I need '70-'72 A-Body arm rests. I have a excellent set for a '73 to trade.
  9. srduster340

    '73-'75 Duster Hood Support

    I need a late model Duster hood latch support crossmember. It's the part that connects the fenders. I have Duster parts to trade. What do you need?
  10. srduster340

    A-Body 4 speed Needed

    Anyone near Georgia have a '67 -'74 A-body 4 speed for trade? I have a OD unit with shift rods, A518 auto tranny, Jeep 8 1/4 limited slip rear with 3.54 gears, 54" backing plate to backing plate, late 1970 915 heads, other parts. What do you need?
  11. srduster340

    '73-'76 Disc Brake Spindles

    I need '73-'76 disc brake spindles to fit an A-body reasonably priced. I have parts to trade if possible. What do you need? I have a complete'73 Duster grille, OD smallblock bellhousing, '73 Duster rear tail lites, 750 amp Craftsman jump box brand new still in the box, A-body standard dash in...
  12. srduster340

    A-Body 4speed floor hump

    Anyone have an A-body 4speed floor hump reasonably priced? If so, how much to ship to 30316?
  13. srduster340

    Smallblock Lakewood Bellhousing

    Anyone Have A Smallblock Lakewood Bellhousing For Sale?
  14. srduster340

    Lakewood Bellhousing

    I finally decided to go with a standard A-833 4spd instead of the Keisler 5spd. It costs too damn much. Anybody got a smallblock Lakewood bellhousing with block plate?
  15. srduster340

    Smallblock Lakewood Scattershield

    Anyone have a Lakewood scattershield with block plate for a smallblock/833 4spd combo?