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  1. dustyaman

    Jeep Cherokee 8.25 question?

    I’m looking to upgrade my duster from the 7.25 that is totally wiped in the spider gears to a 8.25. Now the question is did it matter on that 8.25 if the Jeep was 4x4 or not? I want to make sure that I don’t get a offset rearend. But every time I try to look up the jeeps 8.25 pictures Dana units...
  2. dustyaman

    Can’t find any part number on the internet about my 8.75 742 case gears

    So I bought this a body 8.75 rearend for a steal and it came with everything but new axle bearings and seals. Now I’ve been told it’s a 4.88 year set but I’m sceptical about that. Guy told me over the phone it was a 489 case when in fact when I came to pick it up it was a 742. Thank god it...