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  1. 69cudaownr

    Vibration Imbalance @3000rpm

    Guys, 318 engine with upgrades heads, intake etc. When I had a 904 behind it there were no problems. When I switched to a 833 4 speed I am now getting balance issues. 1. I checked both and replaced one engine mount. 2. I had the driveshaft shortened and balanced by "the guru" in our area. 3...
  2. 69cudaownr

    Speedometer Gear Charts - Clarification/Differences

    I recently changed my speedometer gear due to a rear end change. I found the following information out while deciding what speedometer gear I needed. Almost all sites point to an axle ratio to tire size chart that lists the corresponding teeth count such as below; I queried and...
  3. 69cudaownr

    Speedometer Gear for Km?

    Don't scream my American friends, or cover your eyes if you can't bear a discussion on the metric system and don't read further. Has anyone calculated what the gear tooth would be to get the speedometer needle to read at km rather than miles? As an example my 150 speedometer is reading higher...
  4. 69cudaownr

    489,741 or 742, the Difference?

    I have a 69 Barracuda with the original 7 1/4 rearend that I want to get rid of. I also have an 8 3/4 housing and axles without the center section. When I see center sections offered for sale they state different casings such as 489, 741 or 742. What center section should my A-Body have...