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  1. powerwagonpaul

    Those fake plastic bull balls

    just wouldn't do for my truck..........:glasses7:
  2. powerwagonpaul

    Hell explained by a chemestry student

    HELL EXPLAINED BY A CHEMISTRY STUDENT The following is an actual question given on a University of Arizona chemistry mid term, and an actual answer turned in by a student. The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the...
  3. powerwagonpaul

    men at walmart

    Two guys one old one young Are pushing their carts around Wal-Mart When they collide. The old guy says to the young guy, 'Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife, And I guess I wasn't paying attention To where I was going. The young guy says, 'That's OK, it's a coincidence. I'm looking...
  4. powerwagonpaul


    guy walks into a bar with an octopus under his arm and sits down. he sets the octopus down and orders a drink. the bartender askes him "whats with the octopus?" the guy explains that this is a magic octopus, "he can play any instrument!". well the bartender has just got to see this. he points to...
  5. powerwagonpaul

    Weather in North Dakota

    I just got off the phone with friend in North Dakota. He said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping below zero and the north wind is increasing. His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window. He says...
  6. powerwagonpaul

    Bacon Tree

    Bacon Tree Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert after crossing into the United States , wandering aimlessly and starving. They are about to just lie down and wait for death, when all of a sudden Luis says......... "Hey Pepe, do you smell what I smell. Ees bacon, I theenk."...
  7. powerwagonpaul

    a holloween story

    Halloween Story A man was walking home alone late one foggy night, when behind him he hears: BUMP... BUMP.. BUMP... Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him. BUMP...