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  1. Dusterdenovo

    16 tons - even cooler!

  2. Dusterdenovo

    Advanced Corn on the Cob...

    So, after 50+ years of eating corn on the cob the hard way (peeling, plucking all the stubborn hairs off, dealing with the mess etc.) my buddy showed me this technique. Maybe everyone knows this but me, but in case you dont: Microwave an ear "as is" for 2 minutes (depending on the wattage of...
  3. Dusterdenovo

    Now this takes Balls.....

    Pilot making tricky landing in New Zealand. A Pilot's View: Queenstown, New Zealand
  4. Dusterdenovo

    What's with (((this))) ?

    Just wondering if I missed a memo or something. Lately, I am seeing numerous (((posts))) that contain (((words))) in triple parenthesis like (((this))). Is this some kind of (((warm and fuzzying))) exercise or (((?))). Sometimes I'm (((not))) sure of (((what))) I'm actually (((reading)))...
  5. Dusterdenovo

    Mancini Racing Muzak

    Spent a few minutes on hold with Mancini yesterday while placing an order. Their background 'muzak' is nothing more than what sounds like a blown Hemi staging / burning down the quarter mile. Over and over. What a pleasant change from the usual autotune hip hop dogshit everyone else thinks I...
  6. Dusterdenovo

    Pace Performance - Great service and products

    Hi FABO: Just want to give Johnny over at Pace Performance a couple of major thumbs up for some excellent service and guidance recently regarding a pretty large (at least by my standards) order. I had originally decided to go with a Blueprint crate motor, so figured why not give the business...
  7. Dusterdenovo

    For your bug killing pleasure...

    My Son bought me one of these for Fathers Day last year, a table salt shot gun. Once the hopper is loaded with table salt, it's good for about 90 blasts, each blast of a tiny but bug-lethal pinch of salt. 1 pump, a flick of the safety lever and send those PIA bugs to Valhalla. Works great...