Search results for query: *

  1. swingn71

    Not a Dodge request

    Any one know of anybody with a ford pinto in Southern Ontario ( 905 ) . I know someone that needs on for a movie shoot . Preferably white or light colour
  2. swingn71

    MacLean's Auto Salvage Ontario Canada

    Any one know an address or phone number . I was told that they my have quite a few Mopar parts , But can only find pictures of the place on the net . No contact info . It is in the Milton / Rockwood area of Ontario Canada ,
  3. swingn71

    Removal of drivers side window mechanisim

    Any one know how to remove the window slide post between the window and the vent window On a 71 dart swinger Drivers door . All bolts seem to be removed ( Even the Hidden ones on the bottom and front under the plastic plugs ) but this post wont budge . Unless there is a hidden one I'm missing...