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    wiper harness

    We are working on a 1973 Duster which had a 2 speed wiper motor. My brother changed his wiper motor and switch to a 3 speed set up. The 3 speed motor has 4 wires coming from the motor about 10 inches long to a 4 pin plug, two flat pins above and two directly below those. Is there another...

    3 speed wiper motor

    Hi. Does anyone know if a 3 speed wiper motor will work with a two speed switch. I realize the plug in is different and I would still have only 2 speeds but would the switch work if I was able to get the wiring straightened out. Thanks Bobby

    wiper problem

    Hi. Up until two weeks ago my wipers were working fine, now when I turn them off, wherever they are on the windshield is where they stop. Before they would park at the bottom of the windshield. Is my problem with the switch or the motor? My car is a 1969 Barracuda with 3 speed wipers. Any ideas...