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  1. M

    Suspension Assembly Help

    Hey all. I'm putting the suspension back on my '72 Duster and I've run into an issue and need some advice. I've got stock lower control arms with new pivot shaft bushings and new bumpstops on them. I'm using the Mancini strut rods and Moog strut rod bushings (#K7040). I got the passenger...
  2. M

    Strut Rod Bushing Question for '72 Duster

    I am rebuilding the suspension on my '72 Duster and have a question about the strut rod bushing. The bushing I received in my kit is not like the bushing I pulled out of the car (see picture for the new bushing). I have a few questions about this bushing: 1. Is this the right bushing? 2. What...
  3. M

    '72 Frame repair

    It's been a while since I've been on here but I need some help. I bought my '72 Duster a couple of years ago and the car needed some major work. The guy I bought it from tried to back half it by cutting out rear frame rails and failed...bad. I've finally got some money together and found some...