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  1. trebor75

    Paint matching

    Well, my spot repairs of rust turned out to be a big project that eats up a lot of time. It takes me ages because I have little experience. But I have patience so it's all good. Im getting close to do paint and have been at a shop to have them mix and match the old paint. I'm not sure that we...
  2. trebor75

    Color of Dual Snorkel scoop

    I got my scoop today. I'm still contemplating if I shall go matte black or the same color as the car. What do you thing guys? Is there anyone on here with photoshop skills that could help me if they have the time?
  3. trebor75

    Color Measurement Instruments - Spectrophotometer

    Ever since I got my Duster 10 years ago all my upgrades and work have been mechanical. Besides stripes and wheels I have not really done anything to the exterior or the interior besides keeping it clean and nice. The occasional polish etc. This winter I'm thinking I'm gonna turn my attention to...
  4. trebor75

    Can you help me decode my body paint!

    Hello all! This is my 1970 Duster. I have a question about the paint. My buildsheet says the body paint is FF4 = Lime Green and the interior is EF8 = Ivy Green. Now I know it has been repainted at one point by a previous owner so the buildsheet wont tell me what color it is today. I know it can...
  5. trebor75

    Need advice on rust issues

    Since I don't have any real experience in welding or metal work, neither have I any experience with paint jobs, I feel really intimidated about fixing the rust issues on my Duster. Money is really tight too. But I hope I can have it done by a pro in the future. Meanwhile is there anything I...