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    Carburetor selection (Q pt.2 ZOMBIE)

    Ok now that i got the radiator thing figured out its time to ask about a Carburetor im looking at both the Proform 850 or the Mighty 850 Demon ive had to smaller demons on my small blocks an loved them an i have a buddy that has a 950 proform on a GTO an he swears on it what would be the better...

    tips for AN fittings an hose?

    what are some of yur guys tips on putting all the fittings together?i cant stand this crud anymore i have so many F'ed up fittings an hose ends it retarded,what can i do to make it go like the pros do? MIKE

    Cool Can set up

    let me see some of yur all's cool can set ups im in a stuck on how im going set mine up with the lines going up to it on out of it Thanks MIKE

    fuel pressure line an gauge on cowl?

    how did u guys mount yur fuel gauges?i dont like how i have mine mounted on one of the little cowl fins,whats a better way at it?pics would help alot thanks guys MIKE

    Cool Cans

    Any one run a Cool can on there street car,me an my buddy are thinking of getting them an seeing how they are,what do u think,i here they really work.My dad has one on his car but its not running yet so i just get to look at it an think about how cool they are,LOL MIKE

    Fuel cells!

    hey guys! well its that time to think about a new tank for the zombie its seen its days and her share of rust up the *** and im getting tired of i was wondering what u all recomend for a cell and the lines that u all use!Fastback id like to know what u used for your set up my stuff is just old...