[WANTED] 1963 Dart GT emblems

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I might have the quarter enblems

That would be great. I've found the left side one, but have held off purchasing trying to find a pair. Having said that, if anyone only has the right one I would be your guy. Thanks.
is that a triangle emblem ? can you post a picture i might have a NOS one

I think you're talking about the ones behind the front wheels. These are right behind the back window in the sail panel area. I'm going to go ahead and get the drivers side one from this one guy. I've pretty much given up finding a pair. lol. Thanks!

i got a NOS one, say 270 on it, triangle, fits on front of hood. $50 plus shipping

Thanks, but the 270 is a different emblem. I own a GT. Can that 270 center be changed out down the road? I think the emblems are identical other than the center part that says 170, 270, or GT. Send a photo if you can.
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