1970 Chrysler 300 convertible top too tight



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I had the top replaced well over a year ago on a 1970 300. The car went directly into the garage with the top down. I wanted to do several things to the car and have completed them however the top seem way too tight. I cannot latch it and have found that the the installer broke one of the latch hinges and also broke one of the bolts on one of the main mounts. I am not interested in bringing it back to this person. Right now I have it so the top is hooked at the latches hoping it will stretch over time. I've not had a day where I can put the car in hot sun to help stretch it so is there any other method I can use to help? The top is so tight that the rails are more than 1" from the glass. I did all the adjustments in the FSM other than the "Stack Height" which is done at the rear mounts. I don't understand what stack height refers to so if someone knows and could pass the meaning on I would greatly appreciate this as I would any advice on getting the top to fit properly.
Just need to wait till you can get it out side in the sun. You don't want to park them for any length with the top down.
They definately seem to shrink up some if left down for long peroids of time. Is there any way you can safely blow some heat in it for awhile?
I tend to leave the tops down on the 'verts I've owned also. Probably not the best idea but I just hate to run them up and down all the time. I had a Challenger 'vert that had a very old top on it. It was tight as a drum when latched. If I left it down for a few months it took 3 people to latch it, one on each side to push it down, and someone inside to work the latches. I always figured the top would split or I would break a latch but I never did.
I can put my shop heater in the garage. It will make the garage the 300 is in hot in no time without blowing hot air on the top itself. I will give this a try. I know the top was very tight because when we got it back (I should have inspected things better) I realized the installer had broken the "pin" that is inside one of the latches. It was a real PIA to repair and I don't want to put that kind of pressure on the latches. I can see by the design that they were not meant to have a huge amount of weight pushing them up. There is a fair amount of pot metal and if it breaks I am screwed.