1974 Slant 6 backfiring through carb.?



New Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Milton, FL
My '74 Scamp has the 225 Slant 6. I bought it about 3 weeks ago and drive it daily. I went out this morning and it wouldn't start. I haven't done anything to the motor other than an oil change and exhaust/ intake manifold gasket and that was a week ago. I whooshing sounds as I was turning it over so I popped the hood and removed the breather. I started jumping the solenoid so I could see what was going on and low and behold I had to go back in the house and pry my boxers out of my crack where it clinched up so tight from the ball of fire that was set in front of me! I have seen this before but only when timing was 180 degrees out. I'm mechanically inclined on diesels and can do what I normally need to on a gas but with not touching anything under the hood that has to deal with what I would normally see to cause this I am puzzled. I dit take the oil cap off to make sure the rocker arms where moving which should tell me if the timing chain broke and they are moving. PLEASE HELP! I drive this thing everyday because my truck has a blown motor and right now to get it running I would have to sell this car and I don't want that. My wife does but I think that is why I love it so much! Thanks in advance.
Was running ok when you shut it off last?
I'd look at the dist. cap for cracks and carbon tracking.
Wet cap, wires?
Maybe the choke is stuck open, resulting in a lean backfire when cold?
To put out a carb fire, crank the engine with the throttle closed.
Just a couple ideas. Keep us up to date.
It ran good yesterday when I parked it. Went to AAP and got plugs, cap, and button. Didn't have wires and no other place has any in stock either. Replaced all the above and checked the firing order in that process. Still can't get it to run. Just backfires through the carb. Did switch the wires to make it 180 out and think I may have ticked the wife off with the enormous tailpipe backfire. I never liked that coffee cup anyway! Needless to say I haven't gotten it yet. I'm going to remove plugs and rotate engine to TDC on #1 and see where the rotor button is pointing. if it is anywhere other than at #1 then I know I have a timing problem.
Everything looked good on the timing line-up but it didn't change a thing with how it was acting. I figured what the hell and pulled the wires off the cap on at a time and moved them all clockwise one space. Tried to start it and it wouldn't start but didn't backfire so I did it one more time and she fired up and didn't sound to bad. I through a timing light on it and adjusted it a little and she runs better than before. The question still remains as to why it obviously jumped timing in the middle of the night or who the hell was under my hood.
Kinda sounds like a timing chain or screwed up distributor gear.Does it have good compression?
Sounds like it jumped teeth on the timing gear.

When you hit the starter in the morning the crank turned and the cam did not want to. A really worn out chain will do that. It is like having a loose chain on a bicycle. It may cruise just fine, but pour on the power and the chain will jump on the srockets.

Could be worse..at least it runs!


"whoosh" sounds like it jumped time. I'm 58, and seen it 5 times in my life.
It jumped when you turned it off. Check the chain.
And gears. Like when the teeth start grinding on a v8 flywheel- usually only in 3 spots, as that is where the engine always stops, 3 places.