20 Years Old



The Feather Duster is Mopar's Light Weight
Sep 18, 2021
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I was standing in line at the Grocer Store the other day . When this Older Lady standing behind Me says so what do You think .I was puzzled by this and asked Her what are You talking about? She says My body I have the body of a 20 year old . I thought for a moment and said to Her Well You better give it back to Her because YOU are Wrinkling it .
Back in in time I was 20 something standing in line to exchange a Christmas gift. It was a very long line I’d been in line for half an hour about 4 from the front. when this older gent walks up and cuts in front of me. I say excuse me several times to no avail. I can hear mumbling and bitchin behind me. Well now I’m just pissed I taped him on the shoulder he turned to look at me and I yelled the line starts way back there. He looked at me and everyone behind me was laughing and clapping this guy just stomps off I assume he left the store because I never saw him again lol