2008 Route 66 Fest September 26-28 Springfield, IL



Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Galesburg, IL
I don't have an A-body, but I would love to see more of them at this great show. Here is a link to the official show web site. All of the info is available there, lodging, schedule, and registration.

This year Troy Trepanier (of Rad Rides by Troy) is the Grand Marshal of the Friday Night Cruise, and will be displaying his feature cars “Blowfish” (’69 Cuda) and “Notorious” (’70 Nova).

A group of us from LXforums will be there with our rides, (12 to 20) making this the 4th year we have attended. It's a great relaxing weekend with lots of cool cars. Get a hotel room downtown, and you park for the entire weekend and check out the cars while sippin a cold one.

Since I did not see anything posted about this yet, I figured I'd give you all a heads up.
Yes !! That would be a good show antolod.
Thanks for the update , Victoria and I are spending allot of time together
and I would like to see yall again. Glad you are here with us.
We will have to see when the date gets closer.
Just a bump for anyone interested in a nice relaxing weekend of great cars. Weather forecast looks promising. It's not as exciting as Monster Mopar Weekend, but still a good time. Hope to see y'all there.
Well, it was another great weekend for a car show! LXforums had 4 Magnums, 3 300's and 2 Chargers (one didn't get to park with us) out of the 1000+ cars that were there. You can see a lot of pictures here over at LXforums.

Next year the show is September 25-27, 2009 so mark you calenders and lets have Mopar take over Springfield Illinois!