2021 Moose hunt in New Brunswick, Canada


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I got to take a fellow member on a moose hunt this year. Russell Craig and I met about a month ago and it has all been good. Russell is a real nice guy and we had a great time. The hunting party consisted of Russell, my hunting buddy Joe Oliver and myself. Here is the story.

The 2021 moose hunt is over for us. This years hunter was a car buddy of mine from Saint Andrews, Russell Craig. Russell, Joe Oliver and myself were the hunting party but we had other friends there just for the fun. Opening day was very foggy and the calling was a challenge as the fog deadens the sound pretty good. We were getting an answer from a bull off to our left every once in a while but it was not steady. Right about daybreak, Joe,(second gun) saw a mature cow but we had decided not to shoot anything but a big one for the first two days so Joe let it go on it's way. About a half hour later Joe saw a 7 pointer and let it walk as well. At about 10 to 9 Russell and I had one blow right behind us. I have to admit, I have never heard one do that before and neither had Russell. We looked at each other with that look of questions all over our faces. I then heard a very low series of grunts off to our left. Our visibility was barely 150 yards. Russell then said he saw a big moose slip into the woods over to our left. I did not see it at all in the fog. I then heard it moving away from us in the woods as it was hitting it's antlers on the trees. I quickly gave a series of 4 bull grunts. Well, that's all it took. He was pissed and wanted to come beat the crap out of me. How dare another bull grunt in his territory. He sounds like a freight train coming through the woods. We could see the trees shaking as his antlers crashed into them. He finally stepped into an opening about 50 yards behind the stand and Russell did not miss. It was lights out for that moose. We got down and went to see exactly how big it was. Russell got there before me and by the time I got there he was just a big grin from ear to ear. All done by 9:15 on opening morning with a trophy moose like this is really cool and I am sure Russell will have to tell the story many times as he is getting a full head and shoulder mount done at the taxidermists. The bull has 21 points, a 41 inch spread and it weighed 643 lbs at the butcher. That makes it about a 1100 lb live weight moose. And now for a few photos.





I got to take a fellow member on a moose hunt this year. Russell Craig and I met about a month ago and it has all been good. Russell is a real nice guy and we had a great time. The hunting party consisted of Russell, my hunting buddy Joe Oliver and myself. Here is the story.

The 2021 moose hunt is over for us. This years hunter was a car buddy of mine from Saint Andrews, Russell Craig. Russell, Joe Oliver and myself were the hunting party but we had other friends there just for the fun. Opening day was very foggy and the calling was a challenge as the fog deadens the sound pretty good. We were getting an answer from a bull off to our left every once in a while but it was not steady. Right about daybreak, Joe,(second gun) saw a mature cow but we had decided not to shoot anything but a big one for the first two days so Joe let it go on it's way. About a half hour later Joe saw a 7 pointer and let it walk as well. At about 10 to 9 Russell and I had one blow right behind us. I have to admit, I have never heard one do that before and neither had Russell. We looked at each other with that look of questions all over our faces. I then heard a very low series of grunts off to our left. Our visibility was barely 150 yards. Russell then said he saw a big moose slip into the woods over to our left. I did not see it at all in the fog. I then heard it moving away from us in the woods as it was hitting it's antlers on the trees. I quickly gave a series of 4 bull grunts. Well, that's all it took. He was pissed and wanted to come beat the crap out of me. How dare another bull grunt in his territory. He sounds like a freight train coming through the woods. We could see the trees shaking as his antlers crashed into them. He finally stepped into an opening about 50 yards behind the stand and Russell did not miss. It was lights out for that moose. We got down and went to see exactly how big it was. Russell got there before me and by the time I got there he was just a big grin from ear to ear. All done by 9:15 on opening morning with a trophy moose like this is really cool and I am sure Russell will have to tell the story many times as he is getting a full head and shoulder mount done at the taxidermists. The bull has 21 points, a 41 inch spread and it weighed 643 lbs at the butcher. That makes it about a 1100 lb live weight moose. And now for a few photos.

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Save me a piece of back strap.
A cousin of mine from Alaska told me decades ago that when a moose got dropped in his neighborhood it was PARTY ON! while it was being cut up for the freezers :rofl:.