318 issue! S.O.S lol



Cool Member
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hi all! I went to see the 71 scamp I want to buy again...and this time the car was having a little issue I think I know the answer to....but need confirmation...

first time we ran the car it ran well but it rumbbled a lot and made this excecive rumble...

now today he had problem with it turning offon him when he steps on the car...

ok so...knowing the carb...does inject fuel it might be the problem isn't that nor the fuel pump...it idles fine its just when I step on the gas while on drive or when I step it all the way down...it stops...

so im guessing its no electrical problem. I don't think its the resistor neither...nd car doesn't over heat...

so then it hit me...when I hadmy slant six dart...it once made the same excesive noise...like it wasn't firing right nd noticed a cable was unplugged...

knowing that...it gives me s trong feeling...that with a ttune up...the car will be bak to normal nd won't turn off when I step on it....am I right!?

it looks like oil also leaks from the valve covers gasket nd one of the wire looks et from it...so that is the reason one cylinder aint firing?

nd the guy barley drives it nd doesn't know much about mechanics...hasn't gave it a tune up in a looooooooooooong time.

if im right...ill be so frikkin happy bcuz the few seconds I drover after it turned off I felt like laka baaaaaaddd booooyyy hahaha

btw! yesterday I posted my ex 74 swinger on craigslist.org and itdnt didn't las more than 5 hours nd it got sold! im freaked out...first time I sell a car! yay! lol
My people! Tomorrow is the last day of work at napa nd we close sundays...any suggestions?

I need some possabilities so that I know what to buy...im eaither way buying the whole tuneup stuff...can also buy a rebuilt 2 barrel crter carb frm my store for cheap...70 bucks. what else whT else? thx!

btw...anyone got an extra passenger side door glass and the rear quarter glass or wwhatever? some hater broke it nd didn't steal anything...
I've read your posts and I get more confused everytime. Can you please type the whole word. Anyway I'm not sure what you mean by rumble and where does that happen at....idle, cruise or taking off?

The squirter in the carb is to help stop the car from stalling because of the low vacuum signal when the throttle blades open up. It gives the motor enough fuel to run before the vacuum(not engine vacuum) starts to pull fuel from the boosters. If they are plugged it will stall the motor when you mash the gas.

If the plug wires are bad or oil soaked then it's time to replace it. What motor are you messing with?
I've read your posts and I get more confused everytime. Can you please type the whole word. Anyway I'm not sure what you mean by rumble and where does that happen at....idle, cruise or taking off?

The squirter in the carb is to help stop the car from stalling because of the low vacuum signal when the throttle blades open up. It gives the motor enough fuel to run before the vacuum(not engine vacuum) starts to pull fuel from the boosters. If they are plugged it will stall the motor when you mash the gas.

If the plug wires are bad or oil soaked then it's time to replace it. What motor are you messing with?

Im sorry about that. im using a mobile phone and its frustrating typing with my thumbs....and sorry I tend to type a lot of b.s. hahha

well the engine sort of make a rough noise and shakes more than usual...im kinda sure its a cylinder that's not firing...that's what happened to my previous car...but about the car stalling I am not sure...im just a 19 trying to learn all this awsome stuff! hehe its a 318. 2 barrel thanks
I would suggest bringing a mechanic, or somebody that can troubleshoot.

Usually the owner knows exactly whats wrong with it. Hate to see you get into big repair bills right away. It looks like you haven't bought it yet?
I would suggest bringing a mechanic, or somebody that can troubleshoot.

Usually the owner knows exactly whats wrong with it. Hate to see you get into big repair bills right away. It looks like you haven't bought it yet?

Some of the best advice I have ever seen. On anything.
hmmm you said you dont think its electrical but then suggested tune up. Points, plugs ,wires ARE electrical. Big mistak people make is put all the new bits in a worn out 40 year old distributer. The vacuum advance can alter the point gap to no open or no close. Bottom line a reman'd distributer can do wonders.
Dont forget the fuel filter. A partially plugged filter will let motor run at low rpm but pop stumble and stall when you get on it.
Like was said.Start with the basics.
1)Firing order.Make sure it's right.Cast right on the manifold.
2)Timing.Check it first an adjust if neccesary.
3)plugs,cap ,rotor,points,wires.Check for slop in dist shaft while cap is off.Replace if excessive.
4)Clean out the carb.Replace the fuel filter.Adjust

I've seen badly fowled plugs do this.Pull one and look for carbon.
Like was said.Start with the basics.
1)Firing order.Make sure it's right.Cast right on the manifold.
2)Timing.Check it first an adjust if neccesary.
3)plugs,cap ,rotor,points,wires.Check for slop in dist shaft while cap is off.Replace if excessive.
4)Clean out the carb.Replace the fuel filter.Adjust

I've seen badly fowled plugs do this.Pull one and look for carbon.

Hey thanks for this reply....very orderly I like it lol nd thanks to the previous ppl for ur replys! I went after work today to mess with the car again...I know have the complete tune up stuff...I havnt done the tune up yet...

here's what I found out...the carb is an ***...something isn't working right...it fires fine...

there is a little piece on the carb that looks like a dish that sucks air in...im not sure if its the vacum advance or choke or wutever...I took off the lil hose on it...and the engine ran way smoothly...and ran it down the street fine! and then it began stalling again...my hopes came down again...

so I have a feeling the carb or some vacum thing...I don't knnt know....is bad....tomorrow I will do the tune up...just to get that out of the way.
Bad vacuum advance?

And if it is bad...how can I tell it is? and that can just be replaced with a good one? thanks for replying!

can someone explain why when I disconected the hose off the vacuum advance on carb...it ran fine for a while then it began stalling again....
Sounds like the vacuum pull-off for the choke.

yep I think so...im getting a lil happy now because I remember bak wheb I had a similarproblem with my 74 dart slant six...a friend of mine unplugged a hose or wire of the middle of something...im guessing from the the distributor...and siad...now try it...and it didn't sstall...I didn't try that because I couldn't remember what it was he unplugged...was that wire or hose in the middle of a distributor part of the vacuum advance? (dont even know what vacuum adv. is haha)