[WANTED] 340 6 pack intake Manifold

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I have one Steve
Could you let me know the condition of your manifold, maybe some pictures would help.
Is your manifold stock and unmodified? What is the casting number on the manifold? How much are you wanting for it? If interested in some kind of trade I have lot of SBM parts and a few Duster body parts.
Hello I will be in the shop tomorow and pull it out i really have no need for anything when I get i will let you know a price Steve
Ok I have it here and will get you some pictures do you have an E mail or number Steve
Ok I have it here and will get you some pictures do you have an E mail or number Steve
I am kinda new and not really sure about the rules. Is it OK to post emails and phone numbers. It would be the easiest way to commutate but I don't want to break the rules.
Thanks Jerry
No you can not post numbers or emails unless you are a gold member. Click on his username and "start a conversation". Thank you for actually wanting to pay attention to the rules! :)
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