64 Valiant Rocker Clips



Oct 25, 2008
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I really need to get some of those nylon clips to attach my chrome to the side of my 64 valiant! I just got back from the Spring Fling and struck out with Laysons and everybody else there. My car feels naked with out them! Waggin was gracious enough to send the chrome I needed clear across the country from FL to CA for me and include the old clips that were on the car. But most were broken etc. 45yr old pieces of plastic have to be replaced after awhile anyway right??

Anybody have luck with these?
try ,National Mo-Parts inc, part #6001790. I got some for my 65 Barracuda about a month ago. It takes awhile to get them , because they come from Canada. $3.50 a piece. There is a picture of them , so check to see they are the ones you need. There e-mail is [email protected] and there phone is 705-426-2993
I saw that thread regarding those clips. But they look totally different than what I have. Did your originals look different? Also, did it come with the plugs?
The clips looked identical to the originals, right down to the plug in the center and the o-ring seal.