65 Dart A833 tranny mount

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The last time I looked, they were not available new so I just drilled/tapped a one-stud mount and installed an extra stud.
Thanks Mark. I found an NOS one! one question though since you are very knowledgeable. When the mount goes back on the tranny does it tilt towards the front or the back. I just noticed when sitting on the bench that it does have a tilt to it.
The mount tilts toward the rear in the respect that the transmission when installed is heading uphill a little toward the front. On a factory mount, the part number moulded into the rubber, is on the drivers side. Also, on the ones that I have seen, all have the thicker metal plate toward the rear.
Got my "NOS" tranny mount. This thing seems like it is 1/4 "too wide front to back to fit in the CMember. I can pound it in but then the studs wont line up because they are compressed. How tight are these supposed to be in the Cmember?
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