66 Plymouth valiant



New Member
Sep 16, 2016
Reaction score
Sarasota, fl
My first new car. We drove this car (our only car) until 1996 when we were gently hit from behind. We drove away but within a few weeks the car stopped:we discovered a cracked block. We walked into the Ford dealership which was close by.
We were asked what we had to trade in. A 30-year-old car?
We bought my 2nd new car, a Taurus, the 1st year of the Taurus. It's been a good car, now 20 years old. The dealer had said it wouldn't last 30 years like the Plymouth. What do you think?
Since the Valiant would still be around and be 50 this year, I'd say the Taurus is no match!!!
Welcome to FABO, Mom. You're the reason I'm here (literally.) I hope you'll post an old photo or two of the Valiant that served you through all your years of teaching kindergarten and several long-distance vacations as far as Canada.
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