71 paint question...need pics



Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2004
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i need pics of FY1 (lemon twist/top bananna) and GY3 (citron yella/curious yellow) cars. especially a bodies if possible.

just curious as to how much difference there is between the two colors. I have looked at the color charts but would like to see a car comparison

8)GY3 is a very hard color to photograph. It changes with the lighting. There is a greenish hue to it that is not obvious in most pics. To me it is a great looking, very "Mopar" color. Pictures just do not do the color justice 8)

72 RR clone 4-14-08f SMALL.JPG

72 RR DRV SIDE 4-19-08 SM.JPG
Heres Y1


If you go with Y3 make sure you have the body shop do a spray out for you before painting the car. (not a bad idea with any color) I was bored at work one day and started checking color chips and GY3 wasnt even close. The color chip was green, more like sublime.
You really need to see GY3 in person.Pictures just will not do it.GY3 is an awsome color.Very loud bright color not even another yellow even close to GY3.My all time favorite Mopar color. Jim
thanks for the pics guys.the reason i am asking is i am doing a long distance deal on a 71 340 4spd demon it was parked in the garage in 1982 and hasnt been out since. was told by my buddy (he was going by memory) it was sassy grass but the owner now says its originally yellow. so knowing it could have had either color in 71 i am just curious. looking in the tech achives it says only .01% of 71 340 cars were gy3 which would be 1 of 1 made i supose thats rare.
being in Canada galen's numbers arent correct but still a rare color. FY1 is only 7.6%

if all goes well were going next weekend to get it.
here is my wifes car. it is gy3. it is a shade off though. it is a little more yellow than it should be, but it is real close. again i agree pictures don't capture it very well......

As you can tell from the picture that I posted, yellows appear to change colors according to the lighting.
Check the Top Bananna E-Body to my Top Bananna Dart in my avatar. When you park them together, they are a perfect match.

As you can tell, Top Bananna pales next to Curious Yellow.