71 swinger instrument cluster



Prius's to the right.
Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Santa Cruz Ca.
This is my first post..The fuel gauge on my dart has only worked when it rains. Seems like every improvement to my engine I do gets my Dart quicker but with less gas milage. After running out of fuel for the fourth time I'm bound and determined to get a working fuel gauge. After reading the posts I found my sending unit with almost zero resistance w/ a full tank. But not being able to get my gauge to peg when momentarily grounded I assumed my gauge-connection. The temp gauge did work. After lowering the steering column as much as possible i still couldn't get my cluster to clear the a/t gear indicator. I finally pulled off before commiting catastrophic damage. Does any one know of a nearly plug and play after market cluster that installs with virtually no interference ?
Thanks in advance.
Wop, first of all, we need to see some pics of your Dart. Secondly, have you checked your metal ground strap from your tank outlet to the metal fuel line?
I'd say you either have a bad ground strap or the sending unit itself is bad, which is really common. You'll want to yank it out anyway to check the screen on the end of the pickup tube to see if it's still there (mine was mostly eaten away). While you have it out check the sending unit with an ohmmeter on the bench. It should read in the low ohms region and vary as you move the float. If it reads open (hi resistance) anywhere along the travel then it's bad.