[Found!] 74 Duster lower control arms

So......Pins only?

I have pins, OEM
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Let me be a little clearer.
What I am looking for are the hex socket pieces that the T-bars seat into. I know that they are part of the pivot and not sure if they are removable from the arm/key so the arm may be sacrificial. Old, Nasty, Unusable arms work for me
Let me be a little clearer.
What I am looking for are the hex socket pieces that the T-bars seat into. I know that they are part of the pivot and not sure if they are removable from the arm/key so the arm may be sacrificial. Old, Nasty, Unusable arms work for me
This, sorry nope. Happy hunting.
Why do you need them ? I have clean no stabilizer arms I can sacrifice for $50 plus ride a pair but curious what they will be used for.
I am working on a project using A body T-Bars and need the sockets to make adapters to fit the control arms. Going from the 1.25 hex on the T-Bar to a 1.75 hex in the control arm.