74 Duster seat belts


John Cailey

Mar 29, 2017
Reaction score
Payson, Az
Help! Nothing short of an act of God to put the seat belts on. Ether the bottom or the top retractor locks up before I can belt in. Retractors appear to be clean and in operating condition. All related electronics have been previously disconnected. Why are the retractors locking up so easily?? Thanks for any help, John
I had the same issues with the drivers side ones... I am interested to see any replies... I ended up buying aftermarket. They are ok, but would have preferred to use the factory ones...
That's how they are. You have to pull them nice and slow. I've had many the same way
And they have to be retracted all the way in before pulling it out slowly in one motion. If the belt is out partially, it will need to be retracted all the way in before pulling it out further.
Agree with above. Had mine all apart and there is nothing wrong with them. Thinking about putting a sign on the dash board - " Have patience. Start with them fully retracted and pull out slowly." :thankyou:
And sometimes you have to finagle one end in while slowly pulling the other side out. It's a balancing act