A904 Lockup Output Shaft Washer Thickness



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast GA
My washer/cup that goes on the end of the output shaft decided to grow legs and go on a permanent vacation. I've been searching high and low, but no luck :banghead: I guess I'll have to order them from WIT. On the website, they're showing three sizes (.052, .068, and .083).

What is the correct thickness?
the different thickness is to adjust the clearance in the gear train...if you dont know how thick the one you lost ....then how can you know what one to order,,,,,,or can assemble it without the washer then measure the clearance and order the correct one to get the clearance in specs...
As Tony pointed out the different thicknesses are for adjusting the end play. Witt sells them dirt cheap. Order all three (less than $10) so you can adjust the end play
Thanks for the information. I ordered all three and will check the clearance when I get a chance.